Football,Weightlifting,Boxing,Martial Arts,Hanging in O.C and L.A.Going to Movie Premires.
Cool and interesting people who got their act together.New people who are positive.
Anything Hip-Hop and R&B 50 Cent,LL Cool J, Jay Z,D.M.X,Westside Connection,N.E.R.D,John Legend,Mary J Blige,Alicia Keys,Bobby Valentino,Kanye West,Usher,Snoop Dogg,Akon,Swollen Members,Gang Starr,Nas,Club Jenna Vinyl.
The Godfather 1-3,Goodfellas,Casino,Scarface,The Last Don 1&2,The Gangs of New York,Blade 1-3,Friday 1-3,Belly,The Italian Job.House Party 1-3
Entourage,Las Vegas,Sopranos,C.S.I Miami,C.S.I NY,Everbody Hates Chris,Fastlane.
The Real Gangs of New York.Jenna Jameson's "How to make love like a Porn Star.Any books about Business.The 48 Laws of Power,The Art of War,Machiavelli,and "Juiced" by Jose Canseco.Also like other biographies.
My parents and the man upstairs,Carl Weathers,Jim Brown,Fred"The Hammer"Williamson.All the big time dawgs who paved the way for the young brothers to make their way in the entertainment industry.