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Rum Fits (rûm fíts)
n.Other wise known as DT's (delirium tremens) are an acute, sometimes fatal episode of delirium usually caused by withdrawal or abstinence from alcohol following habitual excessive drinking. It also may occur during an episode of heavy alcohol consumption.
In Albuquerque “The Rum Fits†are not just a drinking disorder, they are in fact a rock solid four piece punk band. Having formed in 2003 the band spent most of their formative years drinking, throwing parties, and playing hundreds of shows in and around New Mexico. After having cut their teeth by opening for such bands as (Blitz, The Business, The Casualties, Roger Miret & The Disasters, The Queers, and Total Chaos), touring thousands of miles, and releasing a new EP, they are now gearing up to hit the road again to bring you their unique brand of rock.
Their music is sometimes categorized as street-style, some times as old school punk, some times drunk rock. Whichever way you might try to label them they will come at you with another song that will make you second-guess it.
On their first professionally released EP, Have Another Round, they cover such topics as; having their house raided as a methamphetamine lab, getting drunk on boxed wine, and playing for drinks. From start to finish the album is a highly addictive, hook riddled, testament that punk is still alive, and not just being played by a bunch of pussies!
"HAVE ANOTHER ROUND" is now available on CD BABY
(*click the pic*) I-TUNES, and OTHER ONLINE STORES
***EP off of Socyermom Records * * *
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