I like rollerskating- I don't get a chance to do that much!I love going out dancing.I read incessantly, whether it's comic books, novels, or news on the internet. I love to hang out with friends and just talk shit.I am trying to get back to the gym.I'm starting to sew again, and have been designing freaky stuffed animals, although I don't know where I'm going to put them with all the toys that I've collected!I have a vinyl collection of 2-3,000 records and I spin a new house mix about once every week and a half.I haven't done in it about 11 months, but I also create house music on my computer!I listen to my mixes and songs on my i-Pod while I'm running errands or at work.It's what keeps me sane!
In another life I will meet my ancestor Sengbe Pieh (whom the movie Amistad was based on). My parents were both born in Sierra Leone, so I can trace my ancestry back to him directly on both sides.[If you google his portrait, you will find that we look alike.]I grew up in NYC, and come from a pretty cool family, so I don't really get all that starstruck by anyone.I love everybody, unless you're a jerk.
St. Etienne/Ananda Project/Isolee/SPACEK/Quentin Harris/K-Hand/Ian Pooley/MAW/The Rurals/Lil Kim/Moloko/Pizzicato5/Vijaya Anand/Billie Holiday/Chet Baker/Bebel Gilberto/Towa Tei/Mariah Carey/Vince Geraldi/HERBERT/Salt-N-Peppa/Eric B. & Rakim/Floetry/4 HERO/LEX/Beyonce/Stephen Sumner
Black Orpheus,Black Girl, Dirty Pretty Things,BIG FISH,Charlies Angels (1&2), Punch Drunk Love, Lost In Translation, Xanadu, Citizen Kane, Brokeback Mountain, CB-4
Space 1999, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Cosby Show, The Learning Channel, Sex And the City, The Little Rascals, The Chappelle Show, Wonder Woman,Justice Leaugue, The SuperFriends
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, The Last Man On Earth, Sister Outsider, The Hunger, Zami, Another Country, The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, The Adventures of Kavalier and Klay,
Sengbe Pieh, Storm (X-Men), MLK, Elie Wiesel, Kids with disabilities, My Grandparents