Sean profile picture


The world was made for people who are not cursed with self-awareness.

About Me

I'm a Bostonian livin in LA, which is where the expression "A fish on a bicycle", came from. I'm scotch-irish and a few other aglo-ethnicities. I have, on a couple of occasions, eatin cheerios for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm the founder and rep. of a Men's league hockey team. We are actually sponsored by a local bar that I have donated countless thousands of dollars to. In a round-about way, I paid for the jerseys they bought for us, in the unique american currency knows as "beer" money. I have webbed toes. I am pretty laid back unless whiskey is involved. I use to fear nothing, but lately the possibility of an earthquake has been on my radar. I love my friends & family. Any morning that I wake and dont feel blessed to be alive, I turn over and sleep a few hours.

My Interests

thur night mens league hockey, coaching, the sox with johnny, the sox without johnny (just the way it is people) any live jazz, darts and beers at the underground, the unlimited potential of a friday night in LA, writing, any book written by kurt vonnegut, any film by scorcese, jonze, kubrick, or gus van sant

I'd like to meet:

“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!”


radiohead, stp, allman bros, dylan, jack johnson, morphine, coltrane, davis, johnny cash, the shins, any irish folk, chilli peppers, dire straits, doobie bros, pink floyd, nick stellino (where the barefoot run brotha), dave mathews, pearl jam and the almighty tool


fear and loathing in las vegas, anchorman, apocalypse now, the mission, a river runs through it, napolean dynamite, big lebowski, good will hunting, say anything, butch cassidy, donnie darko, josey wales, royal tanenbaums, pulp fiction, the shining, magnolia, adaptation, the weatherman, raging bull, boondock saints, joe vs. the volcano


simpsons, wings, seinfeld, saved by the bell, jeopardy, hbo's real sex, west wing, 24


the fountainhead, moby dick, catcher in the rye, great gatsby, da vinci code, one flew over the coo koos nest, the alchemist, cats cradle, sun also rises, jarhead, lords of discipline


my dad, bobby orr, hunter thompson

My Blog

top eight best friend

Ok so here's the rules:DON'T change your top eight, and answer 18 questions about the 1st person in your top eight.1) What's their name?Jason Anthony Stellino2) Do you trust them?With the life of...
Posted by Sean on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 12:58:00 PST