ur face...the love of my life- Jack :D :D xoxoxoxoxoxoxo! @)----- i love everything about him.............u smell good boy!!
adopt your own virtual pet!
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind....gone with the wind.....chocolat....moulin rouge.....sigh.good i love those movies.make me cry dammit. :')
Reading is better. but it has less lol factor...O
nOSTALGIA aND sEXUAL dIFFERENCE, bEAUTIES bODY, bEAUTY IS nOWHERE, nething by Judy Chicago, THE mOCKLORE cHRONICLES- hilarious fantasy books..., gONE wITH tHE wIND 3, DISCWORLD NOVELS!!! xoxox, eROTICA, nething by Sidney Sheldon.mmmm trashy.., tHE vALLEY oF tHE dOLLS, NETHING BY Daphne DuMaurier..(Rebecca!), .....arg so many cnt be bothered.3 books .....(harry potter cough*) how cud i 4get that little homosexual wizard..?
Jack- my angel, bRODY dALLE....because her style kicks fucking ass.. HARAJUKU GIRLS! god, u guys r fucking awesome.mwah! xoxox