I only signed on because Giulia asked me to. In general, I hate online meat markets. And the offline ones, too, for that matter.
Bunko Babe; big nerd (not in the smart/computer way, but in the stuffed-in-a-locker-in-high-school way); enjoy reading, and not just the microwave instructions on the back of a frozen burrito; and last but not least, extremely sarcastic (if you think this would be a fault, don't even bother sending a friend request).
Oh, and I always win. See below: I am Kung Fu Master.I like to be in control of myself. I dislike crowds, especially crowds containing people trying to kill me. Even though I always win, I prefer to avoid fights if possible. What Video Game Character Are You?
P.S. No, I was never actually stuffed in a locker in high school. They didn't do that to girls, even in liberal Massachusetts.
UPDATE If you are wearing a bikini in your profile photo, or leaning over so everyone can see down your cleavage, or all your top friends are doing either of the above, I will deny your friend request. Anyone not old enough to rent a car on their own, too--denied.