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Prophecy on Lethe

Echo, the beating of the tide,
Infringes on the blond curved shore;
Archaic weeds from sleep’s green side
Bind skull and pelvis till the four
Seasons of the blood are unified.

Anonymous sweet carrion,
Blind mammal floating on the stream
Of depthless sound, completely one
In the cinnamon - dark of no dream-
A pod of silence, bursting when the sun

Clings to the forehead, will surprise
The gasping turtle and the leech
With your strange brain blooming as it lies
Abandoned to the bipeds on the beach;
Your jelly-mouth and, crushed, your polyp eyes.
-Stanely Kunitz

My Interests


Member Since: 2/1/2005
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members: Dylan: bass
Joe: guitar
Matt: drums
Billy: guitar
Atom: noise, synth, some guitar
Sleeper: remixin

Influences: Those who dare to experiment
Sounds Like: Black Sabbath, Kyuss, Hum, The Melvins and/or Pink Floyd
Record Label: Reptile Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Lethe update June 08

First off, thank you to everyone who came out during the March tour!  We had a great time and meeting all of you was awesome!  Cant wait to see you again!Since our return, we've sealed a dea...
Posted by Lethe on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 04:32:00 PST


In Classical Greek, Lethe literally means "forgetfulness" or "concealment". The Greek word for "truth" is a-lethe-ia, meaning "un-forgetfulness" or "un-concealment".In Greek mythology, Lethe is one of...
Posted by Lethe on Tue, 20 Sep 2005 06:58:00 PST