With regard to my blogs, Please note:
This work is licensed under a CreativeCommons Attribution 2.5 License .
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Heat - Image Hosting
With regard to my blogs, Please note:
This work is licensed under a CreativeCommons Attribution 2.5 License .
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Heat - Image Hosting
Writing, Blogging, Music, Books, Acting.
Comments about my blog:
(i) From thequincessential:‘…An awesome writer and one of the best Black oriented, serious blogs, I’ve managed to find is called Ruminations of a Racial Realist. Always on point, great discussions and never gets belligerent if you disagree - well probably could be if you came at her that way but her posts are so intelligent and well thought out I can’t imagine someone doing that…‘
(ii) From Being Free:‘… I had to take a moment to ask that you guys check this sister out. I’ve just skimmed her site & I’m digging her mind. If you want to read posts that will make you think - whether or not you agree - make a visit her way. Like I said, I’ve only skimmed her posts, but I’m going back to see more of what she has to say about race relations, music, and all the other issues she seems to touch on…’
(iii) Extract from Email Message:‘…you just make really strong statements, the kind of stuff a lot of folks think and are afraid to say and I find that terribly exciting. I have also noticed that the blogosphere is mostly white or bougie black, and I can’t stand that, so I definitely support your blog as I feel there is a lack of representation or diversity of real black voices.
I think your blog is “radical†like in a good way, I think right wingers have made “radical†into an ugly word and I long for the time, like the 60’s (even though I didn’t live thru it) where it seemed like being “radical†was seen as a good thing…’
(iv) From RED C ‘…For those who are African Centered, Black Nationalist, and Pan African in their thinking and living, Clare's blog is a virtual think tank, and it inspires action. I've been talking up issues from this blog, the same as I would a book by Haki Madhubuti or a DVD featuring Marimba Ani, and it's the everyday consciousness, dialogue, and exchange of ideas that plants seeds for a new harvest.Clare is hitting us with David Walker's Appeal for the next phase of Black Self-Determination. Kudos to you, Clare, and thanks for your energy and commitment! When you publish your books, I'M TELLING EVERYBODY I KNOW TO BUY COPIES!’
Intelligent and articulate people who are open to frank discussions on race; people who are comfortable talking honestly about racism or internalized racism. I would particularly like to meet people who are free thinkers; people whose views don't necessarily fit neatly into any given philosophy.
PS: This profile is for participation in the blogs and I would appreciate it if you commented in the blogs before making a friends request - or at least write me a note. Thanks in advance.
Stevie Wonder, Sam Cooke, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Smokey Robinson, The Jackson Five, Lauryn Hill, Alicia Keys, Ray Charles, The Spinners, Erykah Badu, Otis Redding
The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Enemies: The Clash of Races, Black Looks, Souls Looking Back: Life Stories of Growing Up Black