Heroin...is there anything else? I also like scalextric racing and going to kooky tucked-away coffee houses and pretending to be busy on my laptop...
Batman, Chairman Mao, my parents, boys with little willies and Jon Bon Jovi.
traditional Burmese woodwind music, psy-trance, death metal...artists?: Arctic Monkeys, Henry's Phonograph, Hall and Oates, G-Unit, New York Dolls, the Cockney Rejects
Romper Stomper, Glen or Glenda, Plan 9 from Outer Space, Graverobbers from Outer Space, Cube, Cube 2, Clockwork Orange, NOT The Passion of the Christ, religion is the centre of all evil, Jesus was a fudge-packer and if he did exist, he was either a con artist or a hobo . God is also a fudge-packer, but bigger.
'the Kama Sutra', 'Trainspotting', 'the Hungry Caterpillar'
George W. Bush, he's the greatest president America (and the world) has ever had...Charlie Chaplin, because I'm always smashing my face on things and people tell me I should do slapstick...