czar profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hmm... M quite simple. M a type of person who luvs adventures, fun, and sexcitements! Wat u see on my pix is exactly what i am in person... After reconstructive surgery! Hehehe... Seriously, m a type of person who is bad 3p during morning! I dunno y?! I myself is bothered about this! M I normal?! Perhaps... Perhaps... Perhaps! I also luv mall tours. I always do it! Bad 3p kc ssakyn hir! I stay ol nyt long in my computer while jerking! Watching pornography! Hehehe... Joke! I luv watching movies, but m afraid of the dark! I luv cellphones, dey simply drives me crazy! I could not live without it! Its my soul! My blood! My life! If you wanna join me in ur friendslist, drop by at [email protected] Tama na nga tong ka-corny han. By the way, u may check me out both in FRIENDSTER.COM AND BERKZTER.COM. Invite nyo rin me dun... Update ko kyo always! Next level pls...Click Screen To Start Video

My Interests

Ok, interests... Hmm. If u have interests in me, sorry m taken! But i can schedule u on a case 2 case basis, depending upon ur performance!!! Next...

I'd like to meet:

Hmmm... Sambody hus cool, fun 2b wid and hindi boring ksama! I also like 2 meet Sadako and check her nails. Wanna meet daredevil and check his eyes. Wanna meet incredible hulk and check his d**ck! Wanna meet superwoman and check her boobs! Next question pls...


I luv music! but music doesnt luv me! I pity my self... Anything dats hip and hop! Basta my sounds k na un! I simply hate renz verano and the likes... Grrr... It drives me crazy!!! Next ?...


So far, got no movies yet, Xclusive contract pa lng frm GMA 7: Rainier, set aside, Mark's hir!!! Seriously, Hmm... I luve scary movies and movies na my suspense like TRIPLE X movies! Scary kc SPOOKY! My suspense kc xciting ang pglabas at pgpasok!!! Hehehe...


Hmm... I know dis!!! I luv dis question!!! TELEVISION: i LUV SONY! Dats my fave brand of TV! ... Hmmm... I can see in ur face, ur not convinced! Kala mo d ko alam ang question?! Yeah ur ryt.... Dko nga alam...


Ders no books in r home kc pinasunog ko na! M damn sick nd tired of it! Wat was left behind are remnants of PORNO MAGAZINES! Sad 2 say, it only has 1 page!!! D rest of the pages wer stuckd and stickd 2gdr! I wonder how, I wonder Y?! I jaz cant help it but 2 spit it up der!


M d men! M d hero! Need 2 say more?!

My Blog


SAMBODY STOLE MY CELFONE IN SM CITY PAMPANGA... Hope that person will give it back to me... I fil so bad with that person who did that thing to me... All my life i devoted my self and sacrificed jaz t...
Posted by czar on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST