Dancin' (and boys who will do it with me), Bourbon (and boys who will buy it for me), Sewing sparkly costumes, Dancin' some more, G-Strings, Milkshakes, Cookin' up square meals, old movies (esp. 30's musicals & 40's war dramas), Glitter, more dancin', Monster trucks & Muscle cars (and the boys who drive them), PUSSY (cats), Confederate battlefields & museums, wrastlin' (and boys who'll gig for me), Anyone wanna dance?
You Are Las Vegas
Wild and uninhibited, you enjoy all of life's vices.
You're a total hedonist, especially with sex, gambling, and drinking.
You shine brightly every night, but you do the walk of shame each morning.
What American City Are You?
Exotic Dancers Association
Folks interested in booking me, other burlesque performers who are interested in collaborating and traveling, professional photographers with style. Contact me with an offer! I'm always willing to travel for a good gig or shoot. I'm relatively new to Austin, so cool folks around town as well. RAUNCH 'n' ROLL, y'all!
I love old musicals, war dramas, and westerns. Lady of Burlesque, Stage Door, Me and My Gal, Gypsy, Ziegfeld Girl, Live Nude Girls Unite!, Cabaret, the Women, Tombstone
I haven't had cable TV in years, but I love TCM.
I read non-fiction, mostly history & biographies. I am a real stickler for proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. You have been warned.
Barbara Stanwyck's characters. Frances Gumm. Ann Miller. My 'Games & Dames' co-producer, Roz.