My Husband, Ian and I live in CT with our 2 year old son, Easton and new baby Waylon. We were living in Dallas,TX for about 10 years before moving here. And yes
I am originally from Alaska. I have an English Bulldog named Denali, who is the princess of our house. Easton is the happiest most precious little boy in the world and a WONDERFUL big brother. Waylon is the most precious, easy going baby. Ian is GREAT too!! He is the LOVE of my life!! He is currently getting his MBA at Wharton and stays busy with that, work and the boys. He is the most awesome dad ever! I love my life and my wonderful family! I love my job as a stay at home mom and would not trade those special moments and memories that only Easton, Waylon and I share! I highly recomemend having a child, your whole perspective on life will change!! I do miss TX and all my wonderful friends and family there, especially my sister and soon to be niece!! But CT is a great place for our family. We enjoy the slow pace and family atmosphere that we have found here. girls layout @ HOT