I just turned thirty (on February 3rd), I am still told I look like I am twelve (exaggerating), but maybe there are just a lot of liars out there?
I have 2 chillens=(children-words that I like to make-up). The oldest is 8 years old and loves to argue with me. My husband says it's because he isn't scared of me. Well who is? Pretty much nobody :). My youngest is 18 months old and is in my opinion (the only one that counts) is the cutest little booger around. He loves to make me laugh.
I also have a husband, as I mentioned above, we have been together for six years and just finally tied the knot on February 22. My husband is in the Air Force and is on the F-15 West Coast Demo Team, which is something that he has wanted to do for a long time.
I work for a mortgage company and I am a production assistant. Our office is near a bridge and apparently transients live under the bridge, and they like to come stroll by our office towards the liquor store, so I get to see some pretty entertaining things just about everyday. That is about as exciting as it gets for me there though and unfortunately it is not what I plan on doing for the rest of my life.
Some new NEWS I am starting school again I am SO excited FINALLY. Yes I will be very busy, with taking 14 credits this summer and working full-time and being a momma. I almost didn't take a full-load, but I figured if I am going to do it, I might as well just dive right in! I plan on having my Associates (Oh I'm just getting started) in Applied Science-Computer Engineering by the end of 2009! If not sooner :). We'll see what life permits. My parents are moving down here so that is wonderful news, I know I will have a great support system for me here.
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