Tony profile picture


Dude, tribal tattoos are the new rainbow flag, you're gay if you sport one.

About Me

Where I work.

Beelistic Tattoo 2510 W. Clifton Ave. Cincinnati OH 45219 (513) 221-8202

My hours are:
Mon: Noon - 6
Tues: Noon - 6
Wed: Noon - Midnight
Thurs: Noon - Midniht
Fri: Noon - 6
Every other Sat: Noon- Midnight

My Interests

Tattoos, Tattooing, The History of Tattooing, quality firearms, being Italian, motorcycling.

I'd like to meet:


Music has turned it's back on me.


Jaws, Magnum Force, Kelly's Heroes, Where eagles dare, Death Wish, The Dirty Dozen, Patton, Rio Bravo. You know, back when movies were good.


Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Scrubs


Good life, good death, A book of five rings, If chins could kill: Confessions of a B movie actor, Yakuza Diary, The Gun Traders Guide: 23rd edition, Step by step home decorating (the ceramic tile section), Monster, 100 demons of Horiyoshi III, The Sushi Cookbook, USMC Sniper field manual.


RIP Homie... You are missed every day.

"Hold onto em by the nose and kick em in the ass."

My Blog

If I ever tattoo you...

If I ever tattoo you, make sure that if you're getting stacks of hundred dollar bills tattooed on your arm, not to hangle with me about the price.  Also, I'm a pretty easy going guy.  I don'...
Posted by Tony on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 09:25:00 PST

Back from Duluth

So I'm back.  I had a great time despite the cold and the hangover.  Duluth is a  really cool city.  If you've never been I highly suggest you go.  I met a lot of great people...
Posted by Tony on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 10:29:00 PST

Going to Minnesota

So I'm heading up to Duluth to do a Guest spot at Anchor's End.  I'm not looking forward to the drive ahead of me, but at least I have a butterneck from Joseph John to look forward to.  I ha...
Posted by Tony on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 10:59:00 PST