Brian profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"I'm so greasy, I glide when i walk."

I can fly to just about anywhere in the world whenever I like. Anyone that wants to show me around their town no matter where it may be send me a message.


Past Bands include:
500 Miles To Memphis
Forgiveness Denied (Winnipeg)
The Dead Hate The Living
One Nation Under

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Someone that thinks along these lines.....

- Cover the bathroom with pictures of your friends
- Write letters to people you haven't seen in ages and invite them to stay at your place
- Redecorate the street sign so that all traffic will end up in the water
- Steal a map of the city and try your hardest not to follow it
- Borrow someone's heart for just an hour
- Play soccer with 3 goals & no referee
- Cross out words like truth, oppression & boredom in every dictionary
- Change your identity with someone for a week or two
- Rob a bank and burn the money. Money sucks!
- Organize a wildcat strike at your job or at school
- Shop for free
- Drop everything and go to the one place in the world that you have always wanted to go, regardless of bullshit considerations & excuses
- Go to the museum and sneak your own work into displays
- Steal books and distribute them to strangers
- Play acoustic versions of Angry Samoan's songs at Posh Café's
- Run for every public election in your town & stress the qualification that you DON'T HAVE
- Write serious & business like letters to any government organizations that you might owe money to & politly remind them that THEY have set the presedent for not re-paying debts & suggest that if they need the money that badly, they should try collecting the amount from the department of defense
- Steal cars and leave bikes in their place
- Give library cards to all your friends as a gift
- Get all of your friends to go into Burger King, order glasses water and take as many seats as possible for as long as possible, do it everyday right before lunch time
- Change the time on all clocks that you encounter, at people's houses, in public places, etc.
- Make up stickers with your favourite poems on them & stick them all over town
- Alter all of the street signs in your town/area with names of places in the world which are currently in a state of war, scene of atrocity or subject to violent oppression
- Go to the nearest religious organization and demand a cut of the money that they collect for the 'needy'
- Stuff the suggestions box at video store demanding that all of the DeBord films should be available for rental
- Recommend that Henry Miller be required reading in all high schools
- Write "THIS WILL BE YOUR DEATH" on every piece of money that passes through your hands
- Try marrying all of your friends legally
- Spend more time naked
- Find out what you DIDN'T get taught in school and learn more about it
- Call every crappy radio station and demand that they play more G. G. Allin
- Take a week off & watch ALL of the episodes of The Simpsons
- If you are in a band, never play the same place twice until you have played EVERYWHERE once
- On any first date, make it the mission to get you both arrested for something embarrassing & stupid; don't let your date in on this plan
- Every winter, re-arrange the christmas lights on people's houses so that they say "FUCK YOU" when lit
- Make your town your canvas & paint it any way that would make it more interesting and more happy
- Poster your town or city with announcements of huge, all you can eat & drink for free, parties at the houses of local politicians
- Write the government agency in charge of space exploration in your country & let them know that you will only contribute taxes & support it if you get a free ride in space
- Go to expensive clothing store & literally douse everything in itching powder
- If you see people chasing pigeons, chase & pretend to kick them
- Laugh a lot more
- If you have something stupid to say, make sure that it gets said loud
- Celebrate every holiday from all countries & cultures
- Spit on anyone that tells you to 'act your age'
- Kidnap random people & insist to them that THEY asked you to pick them up
- Bath in a public fountains, particularly ones in front of commercial or municipal buildings
- Tear up private golf courses with your BMX
- Falsify invitations to art exhibitions & pass them out to homeless people
- Reinvent & make up new & existing games
- Drift

AIM= XdellamoreX


Rockabilly, Hardcore, Rock and or Roll. REFUSED


Six-String Samurai,
True Romance.
Dellamorte Dellamore,
Evil Dead I, II, Army of Darkness,
Bubba Ho-Tep,
The Salton Sea,
Run Ronnie Run,
Top Secret,
Real Genius,
pretty much any Elvis movie,
or Bruce Campbell movie,
or Jackie Chan,
Tim Burton,
John Carpenter,
George A. Romero,
Josie And The Pussycats,
Run Lola Run,
The Princess and the Warrior,
The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (Finally saw it...and it ruled!),
American Beauty,
The Usual Suspects,
A "Well Done" War Movie
thats just off the top of my head.
and if you think Donnie Darko was a good movie,
you are wrong. You have no idea what a good movie is.
Don't talk to me.


I never get to watch TV anymore but...
Rescue show on TV
Band Of Brothers....was the best show on TV


If Chins Could Kill,
Lies and the Lying Lairs Who Tell Them,
The Zombie Survival Guide,
Journey To The West.
The God Delusion


danny elfman

My Blog

Carbon monoxide 2 years later

Exactly two years have passed since my last blog on here, which was about getting sick from a tour van. (read previous blog) Since then my stint with 500 miles to memphis has ended, but unfortunately...
Posted by Brian on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 07:25:00 PST

Whoever invented Carbon Monoxide sucks!

Well, it turns out sucking on exhaust fumes is really really bad for you. Our lovely tour van decided that it wanted to burn though a hose and blow the exhaust straight in my face while i drove. aft...
Posted by Brian on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 07:11:00 PST