Obez' profile picture


Hey, I'm here!!!!

About Me

Veamos, me gusta conversar muuucho, andar de un lado para el otro, andar horas en el internet, bajando mýsica y videos (nada de porno por si acaso=), igual si conocen donde puedo conseguirlos.....paro, nomýs) no soy de los que se resienten; para quý daýarse el hýgado no?,,, me gusta conocer nuevas personas todo el tiempo y los amigos aunque no tengo muchos sý muy bien quienes son,,,y donde estýn,,,,,tengo los pies muy bien puestos en la tierra y soy muy realista (como que tirando a optimista). Confýo en mis amigos y me gusta que confýen en mý,,,me molesta el resentimiento, el egoýsmo (engoýsmo, je je), ah y amo el jugo de naranja. J'adore l'orangine I'm friendly, really like to meet people from everywhere and anyhow. I'm confident and consider people trust over anything. I'm usually shy in the "real life", I mean when I'm off-line,,,, It spends tons of hours connected,, so?
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My Interests

In life; to be myself In Work; to be the best In love; to be the only oneSome Video-games;;;; Grand Theaft Auto; Vice city adn San Andrea,,,, Mario Kart 64 (my best),,, the one where u're an archer,,,, and has to shoot red balloons,,, ha ha,,, I simplily love it..... I'm not addicted to any of them,, maybe only to Mario Kart.. he he old fashion games,,,.. width="425" height="350" ..

I'd like to meet:

Lots of people, lots ot them, from everywhere and for anything,, he he,, I speak English, Spanish and some French so don't mind.De todo un poco,,ja ja , en serio,,,,no me molestan las diferencias para nada,,,,siempre estoy abierto a conocer a todas las personas que puedo.
Get this video and more at MySpace.comWHOEVER who has Darren Hayes Crush on Holiday Mix!!!!


t.A.T.u...savage garden, darren hayes, , carla bruni, Zouk, ronnan keating, sarah mclachlan, bryan adams, duran duran, air supply, pop- rock ., rock alternativo remixes y mezclas, n.A.T.o.


SAW 1 ad SAW 2, Dracula, The Land of the dead, The living dead, PLata Quemada (Burnt Money), The dreamers (Les innocents), Betty Bleu, Romance X.....The ring, Freddy K, Jason (even though so lately they suck F and J)


The Simpsons, CSI.. etc,,, everything on TV is good,,,


Dracula, Great Expectations, Jane Eyre, Step by Etep, Dr, Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde, Goha Stories, College Books????


Me,,, Forrest Gump,, kevin Costner,,,Normal People who risk their lifes to save anothers,, that's a hero,,, Superman had superpower,,, and Batman super"money",,,,, firefighters, cops and family are super heros!
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My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Obez' on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 10:38:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Obez' on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 10:38:00 PST

Kosmos Cover

I've just made this kosmos cover,, from tatu duh,,,,, I hope it sounds good,,, I hope... he he http://rapidshare.de/files/24006687/kosmos_.wma.html...
Posted by Obez' on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 12:19:00 PST

Magazine Article

Well, some time later I had made such cover (Anatomy of robbie), I've found an article with actors comments,,,Winkie, robbie, haku, QueeeBee and the director (me, well I can direct and also grab the c...
Posted by Obez' on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 04:36:00 PST

Anatomy of robbie Movie!

Hi,, I've just made this DVD cover of something I read a couple of days ago,,,, it's about some members of tatysite forum ...... check it well, I know it's quite simple but I didn't have enough time,...
Posted by Obez' on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 04:29:00 PST