Reading, word search puzzles, I am a writer(working on a book of inspirational writings), singing, singing and more singing; as of late, cooking is what I love, as well; I am addicted to the food network...not eating, just cooking!!! Rachel Ray and Ms. Paula, you are the best!!!! Did I mention thrifting?? I absolutely love thrift stores...for everything! I like to embroider..havent done it for a while, either. and last but not least, bike riding!! Great for the heart.
People that enjoy in general. Bishop Clarence Mc Clendon( met him before, just would like to carry on a real conversation...) Jesus; hey, I'm gonna meet Him...someday...serious women of God that are interested in advancing the Kingdom...(bro's too) Anyone who would be interested in a great, engaging conversation!! All aspiring businesspersons are welcome; anyone in the area that is interested in health and fitness..I love to powerwalk!! Let's talk;maybe we can start
Gospel,R&B, jazz, classical, Old School- those are my favorites!
The Notebook, Shrek, Face-Off, Star Wars (all of them)..
I love Fit TV!!,Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Deal or No Deal, Family Feud, and sometimes, Oprah...
Anything by Eric Jerome Dickey, Inspirational Readings, The GOOD Book(especially).....
Addison Wright, Jr., Greggory Brian Smith, Patrick Michael Smith,Charles Addison Wright,Kimberly Patrice Wright Christopher Matthew Wright, & Bishop Paul S. Morton & Cp-Pastor Debra B. Morton......