Litterature, film, music, theater, fashion, herbs, art, people, philosophy, animals, flowers, travelling, design and much more
Maria Magdalena, Jesus and Muhammed
Pink Floyd, The Doors, Neil Young, the Beatles, Sinéad O'Connor, Dead can Dance, Mazzy Star, Anthony and the Johnsons, My Electric Love Affair, Velvet Underground, Mano Solo, Francoise Hardy, Jimmy Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, World Music, New Age music and much more
Neil Young "Like a Hurricane"
My favourite
Ozzy Osbourne "Changes"Beautiful
Mazzy Star "Fade Into You"
Pink Floyd "Wish you were here"
Led Zeppelin "Stairway to heaven"
Betty Blue, Bad Boy Bubby, Breaking the Waves, Blue Velvet, Leon, Pretty Woman, Rosemary's Baby, Repulsion, Deer Hunter, Taxi Driver, Apocalypse Now, The English Patient, Life of Brian, Spetsknypplerskan (La dentelliere), Swedish heavy drama such as all of Ingmar Bergmans films
Vets in practise, All Nature programmes, Room Service, Kobra, Värsta språket, Mc Callum, Midsomer Murders...
Crime and Punishment by Dostojevskij, Doktor Glas by Hjalmar Söderberg, Det går an by Karl Jonas Love Almqvist, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus...
Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Robert the Niro, Max von Sydow, Ingmar Bergman, Madonna, Isadora Duncan... There's so many...