Imperium profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Most humans at some point in their lives have a spiritual experience. You've always felt you were a spirit having a human experience, and you're right. Today's events reinforce this belief.Human Being; whatever that means. Being a good person is my chosen path. I don't drink or smoke, my occasional vice is caffine. I come from a great family, have many wonderful and magical friends. And some personal demons. I am a work in progress, searching for meaning, reason, substance and beauty. My interest include beautiful women, the martial arts, dancing at the club, hanging with my friends, sleep, self-internalization, reading fantasy/horror, drinking coffee & tea, among other various endeavors.

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My Interests

Dancing. Watching others dance. Living. Keeping it simple. No drama. Being the calm in the storm. Bowling. Introspection.

I'd like to meet:

The parts of me that seem to be missing. My better half should such a person exist. People who look below the surface for some substance instead of just reacting to the image above. Music lovers, dancers, people who believe a spiritual path is an individual's choice. A good martial arts teacher, though when I'm ready I'm sure he or she will appear. Also any friendly magical creatures like dragons, elves, fairies, spirits.Who I don't want to meet: People that live for drinking, drugs and drama. Get buzzed, then stop. No need to take it farther, I don't care how bad of a day you've had. Drugs are a waste of everyone's time. And money. Drama kings and queens are very sad and lonely creatures.
Fantasy Comments & Graphics


Goth, Industrial, SynthPop, EBM, 80s, Classic Rock. Rap music sucks!!! Some favorites include The Cruxshadows, Sisters of Mercy, Lacrimosa, Queen, Enigma, Pink Floyd, celtic music, african drumming.


Highlander, the Forsaken, 5th Element, Crow: City of Angels, Big Lebowski, V for Vendetta, J.C. Vampires, Boondock Saints, Bourne series, Big Trouble in Little China.


No cable and tis glorious! Favorite show of all time is Highlander the Series. Other faves include, Xena and Hercules, Buffy and Angel, Homicide, FireFly. No time to watch now, better things to do.


Been reading a couple of series, Jim Butcher's the Dresden Files at the moment. Something about a wise cracking Wizard working Chicago that makes for some good entertainment


Fictional ones rule, they have so much more class and style. Also my crew at the club; they keep me sane, and it means more to me than they'll ever know. Randi Rhodes on AirAmericaRadio. 950am in Rochester and 760am in Denver. Those who take responsibility for their actions.

What Religion Best Suits You?

Category Unknown You don't fit into any of the above categories, so perhaps before you get angry or confused, check what other religion(s) you scored the highest on. For example, you might be a Christian-Pagan, or a Discordian-Wiccan. Just use a bit of logic. However, according to this test, you're simply 100% YOU. You don't fit into any of the world's boxes.

Personality-Emotion Quizzes

My Blog

What is a Hero?

..TR> Pole who saved ghetto Jews dies .. --> S BO -->.. --> S IIMA --> ..TR> The Polish parliament honoured Irena Sendlerowa last year for her heroism..TABLE> .. --> E IIMA -->.. --> S SF --...
Posted by Imperium on Mon, 12 May 2008 11:21:00 PST

Echoes of Truth

Does Our Weakness Matter? by Robert Higgsby Robert Higgs DIGG THIS Thucydides tells us that "the strong do what they will, while the weak suffer what they must." We recall these words even after 2,4...
Posted by Imperium on Sun, 11 May 2008 12:07:00 PST


-I don't know about anyone else here, in the Divided States of America, but I'm a little bitter. The Weapons of Mass Distraction have been in effect for decades, not just during the current administra...
Posted by Imperium on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 02:59:00 PST

This explains where the chimp gets it.

Bush Family Chronicle  by Morgan Strong The Bush family did not have a distinguished history before Samuel Bush ingratiated himself to the wealthy and powerful. Although they appear to have been ...
Posted by Imperium on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:38:00 PST

Take time for reality check please.

Is Miley Cyrus the Next Britney Spears? By Martha BrockenbroughMSN Cinemama Barbara Walters, what were you thinking? Have you actually seen "Hannah Montana"? I didn't think so. There is otherwi...
Posted by Imperium on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 01:57:00 PST

Exorcism undergoes a revival across Europe

Citing modern ills, hundreds of priests have trained to expel the devil POCZERNIN, Poland - This wind-swept village is bracing for an invasion of demons, thanks to a priest who believes he can defeat ...
Posted by Imperium on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 12:52:00 PST

Smirking Chimp Can Leave Now

George of Arabia: Better Kiss Your Abe 'Goodbye'By Greg Palast18/01/08 "ICH" -- -- Bend over, pull out your wallet and kiss your Abe 'goodbye.' The Lincolns have got to go - and so do the Hamiltons an...
Posted by Imperium on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 03:25:00 PST

Iraq: The trauma and the mistakes

Andrew North, the departing BBC Baghdad correspondent, looks back on his time reporting from Iraq since the 2003 US-led invasion. Deep holes from heavy calibre US rounds scarred the walls of the hospi...
Posted by Imperium on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:39:00 PST

Generation Lost...

Generation Y: Too Demanding at Work? By Anthony Balderrama, writer Not too long ago, the generation gap meant parents didn't understand why ripped jeans cost twice as much as ...
Posted by Imperium on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 03:22:00 PST


The Totalitarians Among Us by Thomas J. DiLorenzoby Thomas J. DiLorenzo DIGG THIS One of the most insidious effects of the neocon takeover of the Republican Party is that years and years of neocon pro...
Posted by Imperium on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 09:26:00 PST