Ë v ê ñ t h è α profile picture

Ë v ê ñ t h è α

Im the....... Birthday Girl!

About Me

steer clear away from me /// im a martha stewart and betty crocker type
i enjoy a cheap wine with expensive cheese & crackers

interesting fact: i always rip off the first couple of squares of toilet paper before wiping, when using a public bathroom.
and oh! i have a crush on Fabrizio Moretti.

romanticist n.: someone who indulges in excessive sentimentality

My Interests

[my studies] [tattoos] [bowling] [gambling] [art] [photography]
[marilyn monroe] [scars]
[battle wounds] [pirates] [mermaids]

I'd like to meet:

marilyn monroe. gia carangi
"This gangsta guy told me you had the prettiest eyes I would ever see."
'Je ne méprise presque rien'


[punk] [80s] [indie] [electronica weirdness] [synth and casiotone]
[rock n roll]


[horror] [80s based comedy] [eternal sunshine]
[guy richie films]


[absolutely fabulous]
[the young ones] [seinfeld] [simpsons] [house] [oh! and anything with forensics!]


[bohemian manifesto]

My Blog

| my first experience in a cast |

| my first experience in a cast | so i went street jogging (versus brookdale park's lovely track) about a week ago in my converse-chucks = BAD IDEA i jogged washington ave (my block!) all the way...
Posted by Ë v ê ñ t h è α on Thu, 10 May 2007 06:02:00 PST

| in need of a laptop |

| in need of a laptop | i am working on getting a laptop.. getting a new car delayed this.. i hate not having internet access and relying on this stinky library.. and i dont exaggerate when i say stin...
Posted by Ë v ê ñ t h è α on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 09:57:00 PST

| new car! |

| new car | yes!! i finally got a new car today!! such a steal too,  i got so hooked up on the price etc! no more rusty 1989 toyota camry ..loud muffler that sets off car alarms when i drive by...
Posted by Ë v ê ñ t h è α on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 05:29:00 PST

| car accidents |

| car accidents | ..they make me happy!! well..i guess thats kind of strange to say but youll understand why. on monday night i experienced my first accident, just as i was coming home from work. i li...
Posted by Ë v ê ñ t h è α on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 05:03:00 PST

| im content |

| im content | things are going swell for me. i used to always think i drew the shit end of the stick.. even with my minor car accident lastnight (which was by no fault of mine!).. i couldnt be more ...
Posted by Ë v ê ñ t h è α on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 04:40:00 PST