I'd like to meet:
:13 Candies:
:Absurd Minds:
:Ace Of Base:
:Aerolineas Federales:
:Alaska y Dinarama:
:Alaska y Los Pegamoides:
:Alien Sex Fiend:
:Ana Curra:
:Ana D:
:Analog Fabrik:
:Apoptygma Berzerk:
:Armageddon Dildos:
:And One:
:Astro Vamps:
:Bad Religion:
:Bel Canto:
:Bersuit Vergarabat:
:Black Tape for a Blue Girl:
:Black Sabbath:
:Bor Zuljan:
:Boy George:
:Cabaret Voltaire:
:Cafe Tacuba:
:Christian Death:
:Christian Dorge:
:Christina y los Subterraneos:
:Clan Of Xymox:
:Clock DVA:
:Cocteau Twins:
:Corpus Delicti:
:Corvus Corax:
:Daft Punk:
:Dalis Car:
:Daniel Ash:
:Daniel Lanois:
:Dark Entries:
:Das Ich:
:David Bowie:
:Death In June:
:Decada 2:
:Decoded Feedback:
:Dead Can Dance:
:Deine Lakaien
:Depeche Mode:
:Devil Doll:
:Diamanda Galas:
:Dichroic Mirror:
:Dick Dale:
:Die Form:
:Dirk Ivens:
:Distorted Reality:
:Doctor Deseo:
:Dir En Grey:
:Dreams Of Sanity:
:Dulce Liquido:
:Duncan Dhu:
:Einsturzende Neubauten:
:El Clan:
:Elegant Machinery:
:Esplendor Geometrico:
:Factor X:
:Frankie ha Muerto:
:Front 242:
:Funker Vogt:
:Garden Of Delight:
:Girls Under Glass:
:Gitane Demone:
:Goethes Erben:
:Graffiti 3x:
:Human Drama:
:Ibon Errazkin:
:iggy pop:
:Impressions Of Winter:
:In Extremo:
:In Strict Confidence:
:Janes Addiction:
:Jill Sobule:
:Jose Alfredo Jimenez:
:Joy Division:
:Justo Bagüeste:
:Klaus Nomi:
:Kelly Osbourne:
:La Barranca:
:La Castañeda:
:La Concepcion De La Luna:
:La Cuca:
:La Lupita:
:La Maldita Vecindad:
:Las Animas Del 4o Oscuro:
:Las Insolitas Imagenes De Aurora:
:L.A. Style:
:Las Victimas Del Doctor Cerebro:
:Leather Strip:
:Le Mans:
:Leonard Cohen:
:Lights of Euphoria:
:London After Midnight:
:Los Amantes De Lola:
:Los Estramboticos:
:Los Ezquisitos:
:Los Farmlopez:
:Los Lagartos:
:Los Pijamas:
:Los Prisioneros:
:Lost Acapulco:
:Los Toreros Muertos:
:Los Tres:
:Love And Rockets:
:Love Is Colder Than Death:
:Love Like Blood:
:Lydia Lunch:
:Malice Mizer:
:Manu Chao:
:Martin Hall:
:Mephisto Walz:
:Miladojka Youneed:
:Mila Mar:
:Moi Dix Mois:
:Morphine Shot:
:Nacho Laguna:
:Nenia Calladhan:
:Neural Transmission:
:New Order:
:Nick Cave:
:Nina Hagen:
:Nino Bravo:
:Obscenity Trial:
:Onirismo Automata:
:Paralisis Permanente:
:Paul Roland:
:Pet Shop Boys:
:Peter Murphy:
:Phillip Boa:
:Polanski y el Ardor:
:Project Pitchfork:
:Proyecto Crisis:
:Psychic TV:
:Punto Omega:
:Q Lazzarus:
:Radio Futura:
:Radio Machete:
:Rage Against The Machine:
:Rebeld Punk:
:Red Flag:
:Rosetta Stone:
:Rezs,, Seress:
:Samsas Traum:
:San Pascualito Rey:
:Scarlet Harbour:
:Scatman John:
:Second Disease:
:Sekta Core:
:Sex Gang Children:
:Shadow Project:
:Sigue Sigue Sputnik:
:Siniestro Total:
:Siouxsie And The Banshees:
:Skinny Puppy:
:Soda Estereo:
:Soft Cell:
:Sopor Aeternus:
:Stendal Blast:
:Stolzes Herz:
:Stray Cats:
:Suicide Commando:
:Susana Cancer:
:Switchblade Symphony:
:Tactical Sekt:
:Tangerine Dream:
:Talk Talk:
:Tears For Fears:
:Terminal Choice:
:The Adicts:
:The B-52s:
:The Beatles:
:The Cramps:
:The Cranes:
:The Creatures:
:The Cult:
:The Doors:
:The Dresden Dolls:
:The Frozen Autumn:
:The Glove:
:The Marionettes:
:The Platters:
:The Sins Of Thy Beloved:
:The Sisters Of Mercy:
:The Velvet Underground:
:The Wake:
:Throbbing Gristle:
:Tijuana No:
:Toni Moretti:
:Tones On Tail:
:Two Witches:
:Umbra Et Imago:
:Unter Null:
:Velvet Acid Christ:
:Virgin Prunes:
:Vomito Negro:
:Xmal Deutschland:
:2001 A Space Odyssey:
:28 Days Later:
:24 Hour Party People:
:12 Monkeys:
:A Clockwork Orange:
:Apocalypse Now Redux:
:American Psycho:
:Bowling for Columbine:
:Bride Of Frankenstein:
:Carnival Of Souls:
:Cube Ø:
:Das Kabinet Des Dr. Caligari:
:Dementia 13:
:Die, Monster, Die:
:Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind:
:Fallen Angels:
:Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man:
:Full Metal Jacket:
:Gods and Monsters:
:Hangover Square:
:Histoire d'O:
:House of Evil:
:Jeepers Creepers:
:Isle Of The Dead:
:Life is Beautiful:
:London After Midnight:
:Mad Love:
:Mark Of The Vampire:
:Me and My Pal:
:Murder by Television:
:Natural Born Killers:
:Nomi Song:
:Rape Me:
:Red Dragon:
:Run Lola Run:
:Shadow of the Vampire:
:Silent Hill:
:Sleepy Hollow:
:Summer of Sam:
:The Art of War:
:The Black Cat:
:The Bone Collector:
:The Day of The Beast:
:The Death Kiss:
:The Devil-Doll:
:The Elephant Man:
:The Fall Of The House Of Usher:
:The Hunger:
:The Man Who Laughs:
:The Seventh Seal:
:The Unknown:
:The Unholy Three:
:Tower of London:
:Un Chien Andalou:
:Unser stiller Mann:
:2 Perros Tontos:
:Ah, Monstruos:
:Rainbow Brite:
:Bob Esponja:
:Candy Candy:
:Chilly Willy..s:
:Conan El Niño Del Futuro:
:Cyborg 009:
:Denver El Ultimo Dinosaurio:
:Dino Riders:
:Ed, Edd y Eddy:
:El Inspector Ardilla:
:El Lagartijo de Ned:
:El Pajaro Loco:
:Fuerza G:
:G.I. Joe:
:Invasor Zim:
:Los Esnorkels:
:Los Chicos del Barrio:
:La Carrera De Los Autos Locos:
:La Hormiga Atomica:
:La Pantera Rosa:
:Las Sombrias Aventuras de Billy y Mandy:
:Lindo Pulgoso:
:Los Banana Splits:
:Los Caballeros del Zodiaco:
:Los Defensores De La Tierra:
:Los Gatos Samurais:
:Los Herculoides:
:Los Imposibles:
:Los Monkikis:
:Los Osos Montañeses:
:Los Pitufos:
:Los Super Campeones:
:Los Tres Chiflados:
:Mazinger Z:
:Septimo Dia(R.I.P.):
:Super Fisgón y Despistado:
:Mario Panciera:
:Los Tres Chiflados:
:Mr. Freeze: