My baby Leo!Red Bull,Conan O'Brien,Leo,Starbucks,The Beach,Tampa,NewYork City,Miami,Getting all dressed up,Dancing,Having all my friends together,Makeup,Night,Music,Stars,UFOs,
Corona w/lime,Jelly donuts,Converse,Presents,Ybor City,Listening to music LOUD,Driving around in expensive cars,My camrea,Paramore,Family.
And yes I took this amazing picture of Davok Havok (AFI)
Have you ever loved someone so much that nothing else matters?
When you get to a point were you just dont care what people think or say?
When that persons shows you nothing but love you have know other choice but to show them love back.Love that will last a lifetime.
I love you.
I listen to everything! My heart belongs to music. Music makes us laugh,cry,happy,sad,dance and just have a good time. Music helps us get through things and hard times.So if I sat here and even tried to list all the bands and artists I listen to why would it matter.
BatMan Dark night, Super Bad, Juno, Grandma's Boy, Anything with Quentin Tarantino, The Grindhouse movies, Dazed and Confused, The Departed, Walk the line, DOMINO, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Stay, Man on fire, Willy Wonka(old one), JackAss Number2, Saving Privte Ryan Notebook, Wayne's World, Queen of the damn, Mr.and Ms.Smith, Spice World, Goonies, Finding Nemo, Girl Interupted, Big fish, Any thing with Adam Sandler, Titanic.
Weeds,History Channel,Frisky Dingo,The Office,Conan O'Brien, Entourage, TMZ,Metalocalypse,VentureBros,SouthPark,Nip/Tuck,Dirt,ER,The OC, Family Guy, Aquateen, House, Fuse stuff, TCM.
Mom Friends Bono Davey Havok Old TeachersMusic is my savior....