My Blog
Denver Pet Therapy: Making a Difference
March 16, 2008 - by Stacey Farb DENVER Increasingly, therapists use pets to help their patients recover from trauma. But for one golden retriever, being the therapist helped her with her own recover...
Posted by Barkley on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 01:47:00 PST
I got it!!!!
I know why people are always unhappy; they don't hug an animal often enough. So go and hug a cuddly (or whatever you prefer) animal today! It'll put a smile on your face, and guess what? It even l...
Posted by Barkley on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 08:06:00 PST
List of No Kill Shelters
A list of NO KILL Shelters. If EVERYONE knew about these "no kill" shelters for us furry creatures......then there would be no more senseless death for any pup which is picked up, or taken to a pound....
Posted by Barkley on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 06:30:00 PST
Giuliani is a losing vote
Giuliani and his views on Pit Bulls, don't vote for him!
RUDY GIULIANI wants to be the next President.It's official, he's going for the Presidency in 2008. All other issues aside, dog owners c...
Posted by Barkley on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 05:16:00 PST
"It's Just A Dog"
"It's Just a DOG"
To anyone who says, "It's just a dog:" You are the reason rescues exist, why thousands of dogs die everyday in shelters, homeless and unwanted. You are the backyard breeder or...
Posted by Barkley on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 01:24:00 PST
Did you know...
From my friends at CHAKO, check out there site at
Did you know:
If you travel with your Pit Bull or Pit Bull mix through a city that bans the breed, your dog might be confiscat...
Posted by Barkley on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 01:59:00 PST
Awesome rescue poems
FYI, all pics link to different sites.
~ Rescue Angels ~Tail tucked between your legs,Confusion in your eyes -I know it's hard to understandThat someone heard your cries.When loneliness is all you kno...
Posted by Barkley on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 01:38:00 PST
I'm sorry
I'm sorry all I want to do is cuddle.
I'm sorry I eat all the remote controls.
I'm sorry I chase the cat.
I'm sorry I didn't know loving my mommy and daddy was a crime.
I'm sorry your family didn't te...
Posted by Barkley on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 03:00:00 PST
Pit Bull Christmas Carol
Pit Bull Christmas Carol...
T'was the night before Christmas and the shelter is dark, The whole place is silent, not even a bark. The dogs are all locked in their pens for the night, The staff has go...
Posted by Barkley on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 02:08:00 PST
Why is man so afriad of me? Why can my fellow pitbulls after being abused, beaten, and left for dead, forgive and be compassionate towards man; while if one of us who is taught to be mean bites somon...
Posted by Barkley on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 03:42:00 PST