Just your average ne'er-do-well with way to much time on my hands. When not thinking of evil things to do to people who slight me, I watch alot of Movies. Mostly B-Movies and Britcoms. I have a perverse sense of humor (who doesn't laugh at dick & fart jokes?) and love using Irony to my advantage.
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How evil are you?
how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Your Birthdate: March 3
You are more than a big ball of energy - you are a big ball of hyper.
You are always on the go, but you don't have a type a personality.
Instead of channeling your energy into work, you instead go for fun and adventure.
Witty and verbal, you can have an interesting conversation with anyone.
Your strength: Your larger than life imagination
Your weakness: You tend to be pretty scattered
Your power color: Lime
Your power symbol: Lightening bolt
Your power month: March
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
"Like the new pet? Just don't tap on the glass, he hates that!"