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Hey Now!

About Me

I'm just a regular average guy. I go to the movies & watch sports on TV or go to the arena. I moved to Maryland to be closer to my kids. I like to hang out & try diffent things. I miss Texas, but I'll make a home here. I'm a big pop-culture guy, so be prepared to hear the obscure reference to something, if you can respond without a puzzled look on your face, you are cool. I'm looking to make new friends here & keep up w/my crew in Texas.

My Interests

As I said pop-culture: movies, TV, Comics, Entertainment,etc.

I'd like to meet:

Somebody w/ a quirkly sense of humor & does not mind having fun.


What can I say? I sold my soul to rock-n-roll a long time ago! I dig all types of music, but rock tops the list. Some of favorites are: My boys in DownLo & Empty Hands(representing Dallas/Ft.Worth!), Lenny Kravitz, Living Colour, System of a Down, Red Hot Chili Peepers, Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Sade, Ray Charles, Audioslave, Slipknot, ,Gorillaz, Queen, Norah Jones, anyway the list is very long. I still dig other kinds of music, Legends like Johnny Cash & B.B. King. Hip-Hop has become boring & everybody sounds the same. I still like the Old School rap the best.


Action movies are the top of my lists! Hard Boiled, The Killer, Die Hard, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, etc.


To be honest, I watch crap, but I like it. Here are a few examples:Wrestling is poetry in motion! WWE RAW, ECW, & TNA are greatness!Cartoon Network is okay w/adult swim, but no more Justice League & Teen Titans!Prime-time is touch & go, reality TV is ruining america. It needs to die a quick & painful death!!! However, there are some exceptions: DOG the bounty hunter, & Gene Simmon's Family Jewels (Who knew Gene was funny!) A lot of TV LAND, that is when shows were good & orginial!!!!I watch ER & House (It's ironic that I work in a hospital)Lots of ESPN! My fav is PTI. Those guys are funny!


Do comics count? I used to read tons of them years ago, but now they are too expensive. Some of my favories are the 2 books written by Howard Stern, Private Parts & Miss America. They are funny as hell! I've recently read Rodney Dangerfield's book "It's not easy bein' me". Funny & tragic at the same time. I read tons of magazines on a semi-regular basis such as Entertainment Weekly, Wizard, GQ, Esquire, Maxim, & WWE Magazine, But NEVER OPRAH!!!


Of course Batman! (he is too cool!) Speaking of cool, Iceman of the X-Men. He is a interesting guy, but multiple writers keep screwing him up. Spider-Man is great also, poor Peter can't catch a break.