ISLAM, reading, friends, WWE, K1 Free Fights and music
YOU!!! CHECK OUT THIS GUY------ KAMELANCIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Le Charme de la Tristesse!!!Le Grand Mechant Loup!!!Danse de Guerrier!!!Un Putain d'son!!! Risallah: the messenger of God!!!Rob "Razor" McCullough vs Olaf LEIPE KO!!!
anasheed, rapmusic (2PAC 4ever and KAMELANCIEN), reggada (Moroccan music) and OUTLANDISH!!
Rissallah, Scarface, Malcolm X, The motorcycle diaries, BOLLYWOOD movies and loads more!!
Prison Break, Lost, Rome, OZ
To much to name but lets start and finish with the Holy Quran.
The prophet Mohammed(sas) and I have a thing with Malcolm X and Che Guevara.