Member Since: 9/20/2006
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Band Members:|Bachiri Isam: Vocalist, Rapper,producer
If Outlandish was a body then Isam would certainly be the brain. He writes the majority of the hooks and always comes up with good topics for our songs. Creatively he has always had the overview of where Outlandish was and is headed.
He has had a big hand in the videos that we do. The ideas and the scripts come from him, his best has definately been Walou where he came up with the whole idea and also went to Marroco to follow the shootings.
Isam has always been concerned about world situations and doesn’t feel afraid to speak his mind.Waqas: Rapper,producer The heart in the group. Waqas is a sensitive person and a pleassant figure. In the
beggining Waqas was known as the angry young rapper as he was agressive in his style. Now he is a completely changed person and artist. Being married and
having a son has had its affect on him and has made him more calm and humble in
his lyrics, he doesnt feel shy to share his expreriences he has written openly
and honestly about the ups and downs of his arranged marrige which has inspired
many. One is never bored when in his company and he controls any crowd.Lenny:Rapper,producer the legs and feet of the band. Lenny is the one who puts in the work of making things happen, besides being a tight spanish rapper with always deep lyrics he is always on the case of all the people involved with Outlandish from management to the record comapany. Lenny has a great insight in latin music and we always go to him for inspiration as he was the one who came up with the idea of I only ask of God.Callin U
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Influences: LIFE.
Record Label: Sony BMG
Type of Label: Major