My intrest are music, movies, golf, disc golf, going out, cooking, video games, camping, pool,and magic.
The people I want to meet are good honest people. That are just themselves. People that love music, relaxing, traveling, hanging out with there friends, and having fun. People that are outgoing like to have intellegent conversation and that just cut loose and have fun. Looking for someone that dosen't have a problem sitting around wathing movies or ast the sametime someone that is going to go out have fun and let go of their worries for the time.
modest mouse, thecure, muse, green day, trail of dead, flogging molly, rage against the machine, chili peppers, the Doors, Floyd, Zepplen, The Dead, Beatles, Janis Joplin, the get up kids, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, sublime, weezer
I like a lot of diffrent movies some of my favorite are City of God, Malcolm X, Braveheart, Star wars, Matrix series, Lord of the rings, hotel rawanda, old school, dogma, royal tennibams, Lost in translation, Forest gump, big lebowski, kingpin, requim for a dream, vanilla sky, adaptation, boondock saints, bad santa, donnie darko, full metal jacket
Most part it sucks trying to cut it out. If I do adult swim, family guy, simpsons, and futurerama.
I rarely get to read. Random books when i Do. Right now Bukowski, and the divinci code
My heroes are people that have impact on the world. Like JFK, Malcolm X, Ghandi. The people that are for peace happiness and the bettering of humanity. The people that are going to stand up for the rights of the people and stand up to corperate bullshit. Also people that fight through thier obstocles and are able to overcome them so they can succed at whatever they want to do.