"If we could surround ourselves with forms of beauty, the evil things of life would tend to disappear and our moral standards would be raised. Through our contact with the beautiful we see more of the truth and are brought into closer contact with the infinite." -Calvin Coolidge
U2, Rik Leaf, RADIOHEAD (just for u adam:), Snow Patrol, Madonna, Mutemath, Jack Johnson, Pete Yorn, Delerium, David Ruis,Rita Springer, ABBA, Genre: 80'S Music-love Duran Duran, Sting, Annie Lenox, Massive Attack, Cranberries, Moby,Death Cab for Cutie, Chemical Brothers, Genre: Electronica, James Blunt, The Killers ...Too Many To List*ALL My Rockstar Friends ...you know who you are!!!
::Worth Mentioning::"Immortal Beloved" - My FAVORITE ever!"The Notebook"/"Message in a Bottle" - Beautiful."Evita" - So inspiring."Joan of Arc"/"Brother Sun Sister Moon" - Absolutely life changing."Dirty Dancing" - A dream."Pride and Prejudice" -Captivating."Bridget Jones 1+2" - Hilariously true to life."Under the Tuscan Sky" - Waiting for me."Amelie"+"Run Lola Run" - Art at it's finest."Motor Cycle Diaries" - True adventure."Frida" - Tragically moving.
::To Name A Few Authors:: The Bible (for real!), C.S. Lewis, Donald Miller, Dallas Willard, Brian McClaren, Thomas Merton, Thomas A. Kempis, Tolkien, Gary A. Haughn, Paul Coelho, Henri Nouwen, Most Biography's...
My Family, Dawn Graburn,St. Francis, Mother Teresa, Henri Nouwen, Joan of Arc, The Mystics, Martin Luther King Jr., Dietrich Bon Hoeffer, Jesus, The Disciples, Josiah/Deborah/King David (in the Bible), Bono, St. Patrick, WonderWoman, Real everyday Men and Women who make HistoryYour results:
You are Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 68% Catwoman 60% The Flash 55% Robin 53% Superman 50% Supergirl 48% Hulk 45% Green Lantern 45% Iron Man 45% Spider-Man 40% Batman 5% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
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