.sheri. profile picture


Love Goes Towards Love (William Shakespeare)

About Me

I LOVE JESUS. My life pursuit is to be one who encounters truth and then brings it alive to others -Let HIS Kingdom Come!! Adore my dog 'Bailey'. Can eat icecream for breakfast or any other time of day. My favorite coffee - Grande Breve extra hot no foam americano.I enjoy a nice glass of red wine or a cold stella artois. Live to travel, encounter culture and meet new people. Long to discover Beauty wherever I go. Love to Laugh!I feel deeply and express passionately(My mix of melancholy and independance). I am tenatious and very curious all at the same time.I love Romance. All forms of Art Expressions are interesting to me. I enjoy making mosaic art. My favorite painting is "The Lady of Shalot" from the Renaissance era, my soul resonates with her heart cry. CREATIVITY is a CALL for ME. Mid afternoon matinees are fabulous, particularly if they are dance movies or musicals. My favorite season is AUTUMN. Love Europe - everything about it! French Riveria - was my favorite family holiday destination and most beautiful place to behold. Can hardly wait to go to Tuscany! My favorite smell - is fresh, clean bedding straight out of the dryer. My favorite sound - rain at night while sleeping in a trailer or tent. mmm...the beauty of Thunderstorms. My favorite animal is a Dolphin -FREEDOM. My favorite color is RED - Pure PASSION. My favorite Flowers are : Pure White Roses or Calla Lillies. I love water and the beach. I have taught waterskiing and voice lessons (not at the same time;) I admire Chilvary. Respect Strength and Humility. Honor Courage and Risk Taking. Value Patience, Wisdom and Integrity. Appreciate Confidence and or "in" Honesty at all times. Long to hear, embrace, understand and be understood. I choose to live excellently in a pursuit of a holistic life. My closest friends are those who call me to become a truer soul with my true voice - just by the nature of who they are. Barry's Bootcamp has captured me! MySpace Layouts at TweakYourPage.com
Create your own friendquiz here :: THE SPIRITUAL TYPES TEST ::
Take The Test Here : http://www.upperroom.org/methodx/thelife/test.asp
::MY RESULTS::You are a LOVER, a feeling type, whose spirituality comes primarily from the heart or emotions. You value freedom, independence, and spontaneity. Along with your gift of enthusiasm, you show us how to have fun and appreciate beauty. More than any other type, you know how to experience joy. This puts you in a unique position to experience God in the moment, to revel in what is happening around you, and to be in the present tense. To Lovers, God is a nurturing parent. Prayer for you is often extemporaneous, speaking to God about what is on your heart at the moment. Music moves you deeply; so does heartfelt preaching and worship. You believe that real faith must be shared. Consequently, many Lovers are interested in missions or in spreading the Gospel through the media. You are passionate about holy living. On the other hand, a Lover's impulsive behavior can get you in trouble. You sometimes focus on satisfying immediate desires to the detriment of investing in longer term needs. You have been known to exude a "holier-than-thou" attitude toward other spiritual types. That does not endear you to us. Guard against thinking that to be right everyone else must share a spiritual experience similar to yours. You also may need permission to acknowledge anger, disappointment, sadness, and doubt, and to allow yourself to be less than ideal. What Final Fantasy VII character are you?
You are TIFA. Sweet, caring, and I bet you can make a damn good B-52 shot...
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My Interests

"If we could surround ourselves with forms of beauty, the evil things of life would tend to disappear and our moral standards would be raised. Through our contact with the beautiful we see more of the truth and are brought into closer contact with the infinite." -Calvin Coolidge


U2, Rik Leaf, RADIOHEAD (just for u adam:), Snow Patrol, Madonna, Mutemath, Jack Johnson, Pete Yorn, Delerium, David Ruis,Rita Springer, ABBA, Genre: 80'S Music-love Duran Duran, Sting, Annie Lenox, Massive Attack, Cranberries, Moby,Death Cab for Cutie, Chemical Brothers, Genre: Electronica, James Blunt, The Killers ...Too Many To List*ALL My Rockstar Friends ...you know who you are!!!


::Worth Mentioning::"Immortal Beloved" - My FAVORITE ever!"The Notebook"/"Message in a Bottle" - Beautiful."Evita" - So inspiring."Joan of Arc"/"Brother Sun Sister Moon" - Absolutely life changing."Dirty Dancing" - A dream."Pride and Prejudice" -Captivating."Bridget Jones 1+2" - Hilariously true to life."Under the Tuscan Sky" - Waiting for me."Amelie"+"Run Lola Run" - Art at it's finest."Motor Cycle Diaries" - True adventure."Frida" - Tragically moving.


::To Name A Few Authors:: The Bible (for real!), C.S. Lewis, Donald Miller, Dallas Willard, Brian McClaren, Thomas Merton, Thomas A. Kempis, Tolkien, Gary A. Haughn, Paul Coelho, Henri Nouwen, Most Biography's...


My Family, Dawn Graburn,St. Francis, Mother Teresa, Henri Nouwen, Joan of Arc, The Mystics, Martin Luther King Jr., Dietrich Bon Hoeffer, Jesus, The Disciples, Josiah/Deborah/King David (in the Bible), Bono, St. Patrick, WonderWoman, Real everyday Men and Women who make HistoryYour results:
You are Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 68% Catwoman 60% The Flash 55% Robin 53% Superman 50% Supergirl 48% Hulk 45% Green Lantern 45% Iron Man 45% Spider-Man 40% Batman 5% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

My Blog

My Journey Back to Canada!

Well & I MADE IT!  To Eston, Saskatchewan CANADA that is.   A trip with Sheri McConnell always seems to have 'adventure' as the active verb.  Let me tell ya' it was quite the rid...
Posted by .sheri. on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 02:17:00 PST


There has been so much physical death and dieing around me lately - it has been really hard. People I have cared for and truly still do care about.  A different sort of dieing is once again...
Posted by .sheri. on Mon, 28 May 2007 09:47:00 PST

A Season of Change

Hi friends Major shifts going on in my life and quite quickly at that!  I already have posted this on 'facebook' but, thought I should post this here below to all my myspace groupies ;-) &nb...
Posted by .sheri. on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:30:00 PST

To be Christlike

It is early for a Saturday Morning and I haven't been sleeping very well lately.  Normally, Mon-Friday I get up at 5:15AM to then quickly get ready and begin my journey of 4 freeways to end up at...
Posted by .sheri. on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 07:39:00 PST

Deeply Rooted In God

Trees that grow tall have deep roots. Great height without great depth is dangerous. The great leaders of this world - like St. Francis, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr., - were all people who coul...
Posted by .sheri. on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 09:23:00 PST

April Update

:.HELLO.:April 2007   Greetings from Southern California!  The land of surf, sun, sand and beautiful palm trees!  Today it is supposed to hit the 80's temperature wise ....whatever that...
Posted by .sheri. on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:20:00 PST

Amazing Grace ...

oh how sweet the ....  (sound) SIGHT.   just a little spin off on the old hymn.  I went and saw the movie "Amazing Grace"  www.amazinggracemovie.com monday afternoon.&nbs...
Posted by .sheri. on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:17:00 PST


HEY ...all you who actually read this blog.  Funny enough ...I just typed out a whole thing and then lost it all.  Honestly, technology and I don't work well together.  ok. to the poin...
Posted by .sheri. on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:00:00 PST


often times we are freeze framed into living our lives through perceptions rather than true reality. Many reasons for this im sure.  Escapism by far is one of the most popular responses perhaps b...
Posted by .sheri. on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 09:27:00 PST

MY Christmas 2006 Letter

CHRISTMAS 2006 What a wonderful time of year we find ourselves in again!  A time to celebrate and reflect on the memories and moments of another year soon to be passed. The central meaning of Chr...
Posted by .sheri. on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 06:29:00 PST