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this is a little part of me...

About Me

i'm a big fan of mick hucknall& simply red family...i love the life,the sea,flowers,the sun,the nature and to travel for found every new reality in the world.I love onesty and sincerity of long...LOVE&PEACE DEDICATE TO JOHN JOHNSON...

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My Interests

mick hucknall again...

I'd like to meet:

MICK HUCKNALL..and SIMPLY RED family too29TH JULY 2006...I WAS OPPOSITE TO MICK... .. width="425" height="350" ....


all good music...but simply red the first,john johnson sound,david clayton,level 42,Erasure,U2,Madonna,Style concil,Chaka khan,Depeche mode...26-05-07

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every good movies...


...a little! no telly... Simply Red

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Echo 2007 Berlin

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