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the REAL you
..:: the basics ::..
they call you?:
what do you do for a living?:
have any pets?:
..:: randomness ::..
how happy are you with where you are in life?: ehh alright pretty good
why?: stressed w skool and wat not
describe your dream guy/girl: really fun to chill with, agrees with almost everything i say, is a lot like me, easy to talk to etc. oh and hot
whats something you are passionate about?: hair and makeup
what do you think about love?: its good to have, and be lucky that you have it, when you have it, because after its gone the first time u had it, u will want it for the rest of ur life.
do you want to get married?: yes
do you want to have kids?: yes mucho
who is your hero?: tony the tiger. and archie the strongest man in the world
what religion are you?: no
how religious are you?: no
most embarrassing moment?: haha hard to say since i do "emberassing" things often
when you think of the past what to you think of?: what used to be?
anything in the past you regret?: sure.
ever been in love?: i think so
how do you know it was love? thats a strong word.: exactly i dont know, like, i thought i was
if you had to spend an entire day outside, what would you be doing?: depending on the weather...i wouldnt be if it was winter if it was summer id be doing everything like town and all that
ever volunteered?: yep its called camp
ever donated to the needy?: yes
what do you like about where you live?: we dont have to deal with really any natural disasters. and all my friends r here
what dont you like about it?: winter lasts about 6 or 7 months
do you have any pictures/posters on your walls? describe them!: i have a bunch of magazine ads of designer labels and wat not and a lot of bands and rappers that i like
who is someone you admire very much?: my freinds :)
what are you most afraid of?: i fear not
what is one thing you are brave about?: everything
what position do you sleep in when your just about to fall asleep?: my back with my arms up and my head to the side hah
are you a cuddler?: yess mucho
whats the last book you read?: i dont remember
movie you saw?: saw 3
show you watched?: sadly degrassi like a month ago at lils
friend(s) you hung out with?: everybody at skool
person you argued with?: my...cat
person you laughed with?: my mom she jsut called
name some of your friends.: kenzie, jon, megan, jim, eric, sean etc etc etc
name atleast one quote you live by.: dont dream it...be it
what brings you down about the world today?: racial and religious differences keep the world apart.
..:: do you prefer ::..
love or money?: love.
5 friends or 1 true friend?: 1 true frend.
sunrise or sunset?: both, but usually sunset
coke or pepsi?: niether
hugs or kisses?: uhh..hugs..
south or north?: south
luck or fate?: fate
..:: about you ::..:
best feature?: ehh
worst feature?: most
best personality trait?: i can make people laugh/get along wit others
worst personality trait?: everything else
..:: just nonsense here on out::..
how well do you get along with your family?: prety good
are you in love?: not that i no of
if you could say one thing to him/her what would it be?: ketchup
do you smoke?: maybay
drink?: sure
drugs?: marijuana is NOT a drug
flirt?: everyone does?
go to bars?: not old enough yet
if you could have one "do-over" what would it be?: hah being born
whats the best thing that could come out of this year?: more frends then i had last year prob
where do you see yourself 20 years from now?: dead
what color eyes do you have?: diferent shades of blues
hair?: diferent shades of browns
how tall are you?: 5 6 or so
are you happy with your weight?: no
are you a lover or a fighter?: both
all is fair in love and war?: WRONG ANSER
love is a battlefield?: 80s style worrd
no pain no gain?: thats my working out motto
say something.: choco choco chip!
car or truck?: car
house or trailor?: thats a toughie.
whats one thing youve always wanted to accomplish?: master shoe tying. i just cant do it
did you accomplish it yet?: no
have you kept your new years resolutions so far?: no hah i did the opposite
your style?: i have a style completely of my own and nobody elsies
live in the moment?: definately.
do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: very much so.
a nice person?: yes
do you stick up for the ones you love?: all of the time
smart or dumb blonde?: im not blonde
if a movie was made of your life what would it be called?: from bread to toast a meredith aspaas story
do you have any secrets?: secrets dont make friends
do you ever pretend to be someone else?: hells no
are you a daredevil?: yes
do you givin to peer pressure easily?: nahh
whats your greatest strength and weakness?: asl;kjf
love, beauty, or fortune?: love.
what is the most important lesson youve learned so far?: fear is not your freind.
do you wear your heart on your sleeve?: sometimes
do you pray or go to church?: fuck religion.
take walks in the rain?: yes
whats the longest youve stayed up?: days
whats the best thing you like about yourself?: "ive got vitamin c!" so says the sticker on my coat.
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-my name is meredith but u can call me mer for short
or mershums or merbie or merb or merbalicious or whatev the fuck
-i am a child at heart, i laugh easily and enjoy the little things in life
-i look better up close then far away
i have a black persons ass.
-i am a vegetarian, and sort of a health freak.
-sometiems i forget how to do little stupid shit like tying shoes, spelling, addition, etc.
-my favorite leter is W for waldo, walbert, waffles, idk and its the leter M upside down. so its my favorite leter
-when i get pissed i talk getto...
-i am a sucker for not-white/not asian people
-i am afraid of:
telephone operaters, the noise a phone makes when u axidentaly leave the phone off the hook and it makes that noise, butterflies, jack in the boxs, real live dutch people, going to the bathroom at night, watching tv really late at night after its been on for a really long time, maggets, spiders, nuns, and hardware stores.
-what pisses me off is:
sandpaper rubbing against sandpaper, my dog, animal poop/puke/confused other substance and u have to clean it up, annoying bitchy little girls, people that take my ideas and make it look like its theirs without even acknowledging it was my idea in the first place, and the act of bee harvesting.
-what i love is:
my little tortilla boy, bunnies, cats, dogs, FOOD(u can tell by that one), anything soft, hot baths, tickling people, cookies, baking(even tho im aful at it), friendss, makeup, wooden playgrounds, making up holidays and celebrating them, shopping for anyting except hardware(because u have to go to a hardware store for that), climbing stuff that isnt supposed to be climbed on, shoes, random hair things and mucho more.
-when in doubt i:
go shopping, paint my nails, call a friend, or wokr out.
and if thats still not enough info, message me a question o somethin
How You Life Your Life
You tend to deprive yourself of things you crave, for your own good.
You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.
You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.
Some of your past dreams have disappointed you, but you don't let it get you down.
How Do You Live Your Life?
What Your Soul Really Looks Like
You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.
You are not a very grounded person. You prefer dreams to reality. For you, it's all about possibilities.
You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.
Your near future is calm, relaxing, and pretty much what you want. And it's something you've been anticipating for a while now.
For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.
Inside the Room of Your Soul ..