Alyssa the Kissa profile picture

Alyssa the Kissa

just be true to yourself. if it lands you in hell, well at least now you'll know...

About Me

you would just have to meet me in person-i cover all the basics; i love my family and friends, i laugh out LOUD and work real hard(and sometimes party(just to egual it out)), i sing and dance when no one's watching and i enjoy making people smile. i love creativity, epic music, all kinds of music for that matter and reading about things i'm interested in.check out this sector9 deck my sister shat on-i like it: Myspace For Girls Only -

My Interests

laughing, using make-up to do awesome things, art, cars that go fast, empowerment, a heavy guitar sound, zombie movies, epic legends, Scandinavians, comedy, philosophy, love stories, deep conversations, being immature, being mature, creating things, reading, MYTHOLOGY of any kind, storytelling, the afterlife, pop culture, my few loyal friends, some fashion...

I'd like to meet:

Gustav Klimt

Myspace Layouts at / Hibiscus



Death Proof,Shoot 'em up, Amadeus, Kill Bill, donnie darko, 28 days later, 28 weeks later, dawn of the dead, Rocky I, II, III and IV (V and balboa were OVERKILL), the count of monte cristo,Enough, fight club, karate kid, hot rod, zorro, once upon a time in Mexico, spirited away, howl's moving castle, princess mononoke, anchorman, 13th warrior, dances with wolves, raising arizona, the wedding singer, running scared...more...


Saturday Night Live, Ghost Hunters, Metalocalypse, robot chicken, The Soup, LA ink, Gene simmons family jewels, overhaulin', scrubs, south park, family guy, american dad, saturday morning cartoons, NOVA, samantha brown's passport to europe, unexplained mysteries...


the book of lost things, mythology by edith hamilton, the penelopiad, homer's Illiad & the odyssey, mirror mirror by gregory macguire, Lullaby and fight club by Chuck Pallaniuk, the painted kiss by elizabeth hickey, pride and prejudice by jane austen, to kill a mockingbird by harper lee, the symposium by plato, Brave New World by aldous huxley, uglies, pretties, specials, midnighters 1 and 2 by scott westerfeld, a great and terrible beauty by libba bray, tithe by holly black, and other stuff


lita ford, joan jett, tarina tarantino, quentin tarantino, angelina jolie, maya rudolph, amy poehler, tina fey, andy samberg, skwisgar skwigelf, toki wartooth, pickles the drummer, nathan explosion, william murderface, tons more and this photo of jamestin

My Blog

accepting date prospect applications

in my quest to date aroung, i decided to cut down most of the hassle and weed out about 97% of those pretenders out there. if you're interested (tee hee) then-before you even think about messaging me,...
Posted by Alyssa the Kissa on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 11:52:00 PST

Children Of Bodom - Needled 24/7

Children Of Bodom - Needled 24/7 ...
Posted by Alyssa the Kissa on Sat, 31 May 2008 06:58:00 PST


it's my favorite time of year again; the weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, my birthday is coming up the 23rd and yet another stressful semester at school ends. I've been thinking...
Posted by Alyssa the Kissa on Sat, 03 May 2008 09:25:00 PST


i had resolved at the beginning of this year to do some things different in 2008. they’re not radical things; i just felt like i wasn’t doing anything fun/ adventurous- AND i needed to kic...
Posted by Alyssa the Kissa on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 10:34:00 PST


absolutely sound alseep. dreaming of all that i have to do in the next few weeks, or elves or ponies or something. not quite sure. i’m at that state of sleep where my body says, "thank you for n...
Posted by Alyssa the Kissa on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 07:57:00 PST


so i was headed down the turnpike the other day on my way to work, when i slowed down to the toll booth. i leaned out to hand the person on duty my change and then leaned back in and rolled up my wind...
Posted by Alyssa the Kissa on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 08:40:00 PST


Posted by Alyssa the Kissa on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 02:26:00 PST


is probably better...than yours. ha. umm it's exquisite. 2008 Mazda3. i am sitting here getting my hair done at my sister's house, with both my sisters, updating eachother on all the new slang we'd ne...
Posted by Alyssa the Kissa on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 08:33:00 PST