If you're an underfed, vitamin-D deficient boy intent on using your gray matter for the better, we need to talk.http://www.indoorboys.com
Today I am obsessed with George C. Scott. The YOUNG George C. Scott. If you haven't seen "The Hustler," stop whatever you're doing, rent it, and call me. We can watch it together. Your attraction to Paul Newman will be widely accepted and well justified, while my attraction to George C. will continue to be without reason and all consuming. Sounds like a good time...
BBC's "The Office." Very much so. And their 1-hour follow-up special. I'll think you're very special if you buy it for me...
I'm halfway through Moby Dick right now and I'm officially terrified of whales. Not because of the book, but because they are SO BIG. I mean HUGE. And they're in the water. You won't get me out on a boat in the ocean.