Absinthe Angel profile picture

Absinthe Angel

Welcome to hell, here's your accordion ....

About Me

Hi, my name is Kim. I've been accused of being a time traveler. Someone from the future, living in the present while deeply rooted in the past. Personally I consider myself a human sponge. I attempt to soak up all the art, music and written words I can; while I still have time. Just so much to fit into this little box called life. All while maintaining meaningful friendships with other travelers who share like interests.
I'm mature as in ancient, single, happy and retired. Presently I live alone and relish my solitude. I consider myself to be honest, considerate and sensitive to others. I'm also a MtF Transgender person who accepts diversity in others. Relationship wise, I'm only attracted to females. ~ If you would like to know more about me, check out my blog. I hope it's not too boring. Will try to remember to keep it updated.
Remember to stay happy and have fun. Life's too short. Every day that passes is one we'll never get back.
You have been marked on my profile map!
I was very fortunate to have spent 2 summers traveling around Europe with 3 college age friends. It was a remarkable experience and an education in its self. We backpacked most of the time, spending nights in youth hostels, traveling by train, bus, boat and sometimes by foot or bike. We ate where the locals ate, saving our money for transportation and museum admissions. Occasionally, we were invited to have lodging and a meal in the homes of strangers whom we met in our travels. This usually occurred in Italy (my favorite country) and in Spain (my second favorite country to visit). Sadly, most of the pics I took were ruined when my parent's basement family room flooded during hurricane Agnes. But yet, the memories will last a lifetime.
Layout made by waterbaby79
From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then- in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life- was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.
by Edgar Allan Poe
Sarah Stilwell Weber
Harry Theaker, Paul Albert Steck
Gaston Bussiere
Howard Pyle
Arthur Rackham
From my dear friend, Morgaine
From my dear friend May, my Pisces sister
Edward Dulac
"Magic Circle" by John Waterhouse
Henry Maynell Rheam
"Under The Dock Leaves" by Richard Doyle

My Interests

Transgender, Gay and Lesbian issues; Music; Books; Absinthe; Photography; Paranormal; Urban Exploration; Haunted Places; Corsets and Vintage Clothing; Genealogy; Pinups; Pirates; Poetry; Mermaids; All things Gothic; Travel; Ghosts; Halloween; Native American Culture; Films; Art Deco; Ireland; NYC; Sideshows; Cooking; Tattoos; Everything Celtic; Cool Architecture; History; Festivals; Concerts; Archaeology; Rocks, Fossils and Crystals; Good Conversation; True Friends.

CURRENT MOON moon info

"Les Buveurs d'Absinthe" by Jean Beraud

I also collect Antique Soapstone Carvings, Religious Relics, Vintage Postcards and Photographs, Absinthe Spoons, Paper Ephemera, Antique Medicine and Poison Bottles, Rare Seashells, Medals and Tokens of Secret Societies, Turquoise Jewelry, Tapes of Old Radio Shows, Wood Carvings, Comic Books, Books and more Books.

I love searching through old dusty bookstores, out of the way antique shops, flea markets and estate sales. I enjoy refinishing old furniture and recycling old household items for everyday use.

Autumn is my favorite time of year. Watching the mountainsides come ablaze with gorgeous fall foliage, crisp fresh air, trips to the cider mill and the farmer's markets. The harvest moon, picking grapes, Halloween, pumpkin pies in the oven, relaxing in front of a wood fire sipping tea. Carefully searching the morning fog, which lies over the freshly dug potato fields, trying to catch another brief glimpse of that elusive unicorn, from my childhood.
Rosy cheeks, cold noses and warm hearts.

Bill Brauer

Cover painting of actress Martha Mansfield by Rolf Armstrong for July 1920 issue of Photoplay magazine.

"Golden Girl" by Rolf Armstrong

"Harem Girl" by Frederick Bridgman 1847-1928

"The Siesta" by Frederick Bridgman 1878


I love to watch, while you are lazing, Your skin. It iridesces Like silk or satin, smoothly-glazing The light that it caresses.

Under your tresses dark and deep Where acrid perfumes drown, A fragrant sea whose breakers sweep In mazes blue or brown,

My soul, a ship, to the attraction Of breezes that bedizen Its swelling canvas, clears for action And seeks a far horizon.

Your eyes where nothing can be seen Either of sweet or bitter But gold and iron mix their sheen, Seem frosty gems that glitter.

To see you rhythmically advancing Seems to my fancy fond As if it were a serpent dancing Waved by the charmer's wand.

Under the languorous moods that weigh it, Your childish head bows down: Like a young elephant's you sway it With motions soft as down.

Your body leans upon the hips Like a fine ship that Iaves Its hull from side to side, and dips Its yards into the waves.

When, as by glaciers ground, the spate Swells hissing from beneath, The water of your mouth, elate, Rises between your teeth —

It seems some old Bohemian vintage Triumphant, fierce, and tart, A liquid heaven that showers a mintage Of stars across my heart.

Roy Campbell, "Poems of Baudelaire"

Much of my photography is done in and around old abandoned buildings, houses and cemeteries.

I enjoy oil painting, pencil drawing, sculpture, collage and working in mixed medium. I do some writing, when I can find the time. Someday, I would like to try my hand at film making.

Recent pencil drawing 2006

Entire drawing 2006
Scanner died, sorry for crappy pics.

Pencil drawing. 2006

Watercolor painting. 2004

I'd like to meet:

I'm drawn to people who can carry on intelligent conversations on a wide variety of subjects. Those who are creative musically, artistically or willing to use self expression, outside the traditional limits of the politically correct, as a means to identify themselves. People who are unafraid to speak out on unpopular issues. Those who cherish values such as honesty, trust and respect. Those who aren't afraid to be themselves, who are witty or unique.

LOUISE BROOKS 1906 - 1985

Louise in 1984 in Rochester NY

Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Rochester NY

"A Comforting Friend" by Arthur Wardel

"Dream" by Fitzgerald

"The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of" by Fitzgerald

"Nightmare" by Fitzgerald

"Dream Of Grandmother And Grandaughter" by Karl Brulloff

"Dream Of A Girl Before Sunrise" by Brulloff

"Dicken's Dream" by R W Buss

Estelle Canziani

"Enchanted Shores" by Roland Wheelwright

Carlos Schwabe


I love pretty much all music. Music is very important in my life. Sometimes I think it would be easier to go without food than go without music. br Favorite contemporary artists in random order: Namoli Brennet, Harry Chapin, The Town Pants, Francoise Hardy, Mike and the Mechanics, Gordon Lightfoot, Bruce Hornsby, Shawn Colvin, Three Dog Night, Garth Brooks, Whitesnake, QUEEN, Stevie Nicks, The Eagles, Sugarland, Divine, Tommy Makem, Marian Bradfield, Bob Seger, Kenny Loggins
Currently, I spend a lot of time listening to folk, rock-a-billy and celtic music.

Namoli Brennet

Francoise Hardy


Sin City, Blues Brothers, 28 Days Later, French Connection, Transamerica, Rent, das Boot, Soldier's Girl, Bad Education, Metropolis, Leon the Professional, Vanishing Point, Sixth Sense, Mulholland DR, Dreamcatcher, Twin Peaks ~ Fire Walk With Me, 12 Monkeys, Road To Perdition, The Green Mile, Message In A Bottle.
Zombie Movies


I don't watch much tv. Although I'm currently addicted to : Lost and 24. Occasionally I find something worthwhile on Sci-Fi, History, A&E, Travel or Discovery channels.

Is Bob home ?


Way too many to mention by title. Non-fiction interests include : History, Folklore, Travel, Baseball, Paranormal, True Crime, Art and Film. ~ Fiction includes: Mysteries, Adventure, Horror, Sci~Fi, Comic books, Graphic novels and anything that happens to catch my interest. Recently I've been catching up on the Arthurian Legends, books of Jules Verne and Arthur Conan Doyle.


My mother who showed me the true meaning of courage during her 9 year battle with cancer.

My Blog

The Myspace Friends Thing and Add Requests

I joined myspace some time ago with the intention of meeting new friends. Folks who shared common interests, experiences or seemed to be interesting people. But I need to set some ground rules.  ...
Posted by Absinthe Angel on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 07:05:00 PST

Richard Dadd's "Fairy Feller Master Stroke"

  "Fairy Feller", or more properly by its full title, "Fairy Feller's Master Stroke" is a painting of only 54 cm by 39.4 cm, (approximately 21"x15") and arguably one of the masterpieces of...
Posted by Absinthe Angel on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 07:41:00 PST

Richard Dadd - Artist, Madman and Murderer

   Richard Dadd was born August 1, 1817 in Chatham, Kent, England.  In 1837, at age 20, he was admitted to the Royal Academy of Art. In 1841, he received a commission to do i...
Posted by Absinthe Angel on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 07:17:00 PST

The Art Of John Atkinson Grimshaw

John Atkinson Grimshaw1836-1893 A remarkable painter who is less widely appreciated than he should be, also little is known of his life. John Atkinson Grimshaw was a self taught Bri...
Posted by Absinthe Angel on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 05:41:00 PST

The Passing Of A Friend

I'm sitting here right now in kind of a daze. I've been crying most of the day. I just got off the phone after breaking off dinner plans for this evening. I feel so incredibly sad and helpless at thi...
Posted by Absinthe Angel on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 06:58:00 PST

Living Will

Living Will Form I, Kim Eastman, being of sound mind and body, do not wish to be kept alive indefinitely by artificial means.Under no circumstances should my fate be put in the hands of pinhead ...
Posted by Absinthe Angel on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 07:13:00 PST

Some Thoughts On 'The Gwen Araujo Story'

Last night I watched 'A Girl Like Me, The Gwen Araujo Story', on Lifetime Channel. I knew that Gwen was a transwoman who had been murdered in 2002.  But honestly I wasn't aware of all the details...
Posted by Absinthe Angel on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 08:23:00 PST


A Real Friend sent this to me, thought I'd post it here. Thought it was kind of cute. LOL The difference between FAKE ASS friends and REAL friends:FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Never ask you for food.REAL FRIEND...
Posted by Absinthe Angel on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 01:27:00 PST

Good Memories

My love affair with New York City started when I was about 13. My parents had friends who had moved to the upper west side of Manhattan into a two bedroom apartment. Their son, Jerry, was my age and ...
Posted by Absinthe Angel on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 04:44:00 PST