Will profile picture


Never met a cooler bum.... MF DOOM.

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorMaybe there's a God above, And all I ever learned from love, Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you, And it's not a cry you can hear at night, It's not somebody who's seen the light, It's a cold and broken Hallelujah.


I wasn't broken and I wasn't fractured. It's just easier to blame it on something you can't control, when really you've broken it all yourself.

How is it that there is beauty in the most ridiculous of moments? Maybe it's the bitter clarity of just how truthful and honest those ridiculous moments are. Like vapour, the words we throw around are just whisps on the wind, but even vapour has to form it's own cloud, and when all those words come tumbling down upon your brow, you bear the weight of those words like a crown. Confronted with my own self assured arrogance that I never made a mistake, I now hang my head.

Ridiculous isn't the right word. Pitiful.

My Interests

Every person I ever meet. It's enough to just have the pleasure to exchange a smile with someone you care for, and failing that, I'll happily shake hands with any person on this earth, for them to just share a few thoughts with me.

I'd like to meet:

I'll 'meet' anyone. :) x

Weave a symphony of words, and captivate me please.


I've never met a person I wouldn't wish a long and happy life for.With all my heart I love every one of my beautiful sisters. Sadie, Katherine, Suzy and Kimberley. There isn't a part of my life or happiness I wouldn't sacrifice to keep them safe.My parents are people like any others, which makes it even more miraculous that they can achieve what they do, carry on loving each other, and raise five happy children. If I can fill just your boots Dad, I'll be a happy man when I have a family of my own.

My Blog

P.S. New Argos advert....

I sincerely recommend everyone makes an effort watch the next advert that begins with a little speech about a boy who wanted the best christmas ever, or something. It's an Argos advert.I swear, if you...
Posted by Will on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 09:22:00 PST

Well, it's coming around.

So, this is the half way point through my first term of third year. Just over two years, and I feel a little lost. To all my uni mates, how do you feel about the whole bubble? The bubble about to burs...
Posted by Will on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 09:20:00 PST

A thought on the nature of things.

I have a thought, that really we are all unified, as complex structures within a universal matrix of positive and negative motion, from a zero-point absolute.I'll explain this.Imagine a liquid. Imagin...
Posted by Will on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 10:57:00 PST