MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC... movies & t.v., dancing, motorcycles, sports, BAMA FOOTBALL!!! ROLLLLLL TIIDDDDEE!!!!!! animals, road trips, concerts, church, singings, playin
adopt your own virtual pet! g the drums, great fo0d & restaurants
someone who will rebuild my belief in love and trust. someone whose hand i can hold, lips i can kiss, & soul i can reach! Someone who loves GOD & Jesus as much as i do. Someone to smile when i smile, laugh when i laugh, & hurt when i hurt.
Wow.... where do i even begin?? UndErOaTh, DeAd PoEtIc, EmErY, My ChEmIcAL RoMaNcE, HaWtHoRnE HeIgHtS, SiLvErStEiN, AmBeRlIn, NorMa JeAn, ArMoR FoR SleEp, MaE, FuNeRaL FoR a FrIeNd, AmBeR PaCiFiC, SeLf AgAiNsT CiTy, WaKiNg AsHLaNd, HiDDeN iN PlAiN ViEw, RiSe AgAiNsT, 10 Years, AvEnDge SeVeNfOLd, SeNsEs FaIl, Taking Back Sunday, Thursday, Thrice, Coheed and Cambria, PrOmIsE ThE GhOsT,ScArY kIdS sCaRiNg KiDs, StOrY oF tHe YeAr, StRaYlIgHt RuN, JaCkS MaNnEqUiN, MaE, DeAtH CaB FoR CutIe, Strata, AdEmA, LoStPrOpHeTs, KillSwItch EnGaGe, FrOm FiRsT tO lAsT, DiStUrBed, KeATiNg, FiXeD TiL TuEsDaY, AFI, ThRiCe, eVeRyTiMeiDiE, AIDEN, FrOm AuTuMn To AsHeS, hellogoodbye, MoTiOn CiTy SoUnDTrAcK, ThE AcAdemY Is, ReGGiE and ThE FuLL EffecT, SaVeS the Day, SaVe FerriS, RiSe AgainSt, 30 SeConds To Mars, DoReAn LiVeS, ToBy MaC, DC TaLK, GranD PRiZe, KuTLeSS, PiLLaR, the UsEd, SaOsiN, OuR LAdY PeAcE, BLoC PaRtY, StArS BeLoW, Redd LeTTeRs, LyNaM, & soooo many more i can't think of right now
wow.... to0 many to name right now. i'll come back later and fill this part in.
All 3 CSI shows...though my favorite is the original (Las Vegas), Law & Order, Law & Order:SVU, HOUSE, Scrubs, Rescue Me, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Sports Center, Party of Five (even though it's no longer on tv), FAMILY GUY, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Brak Show, Home Improvement, King of Queens (Kevin James is so0 freakin' hillarious!!!) & i know there are a few more that i can't think of right now.
The Holy Bible, The Message:Remixed, Who Moved My Cheese-by Spencer Johnson, M.D.- you can read it in like an hour, but it has so much to offer anyone dealing with change. I highly recommend it!!!
My parents, who have been married for 30 years this coming August. Jesus Christ of course. Paul "Bear" Bryant. Zack Braff