Travelling, walking, climbing, Rocking, playing guitar and listening to music. Drinking and smoking in the vice section! Being lazy, oh! there just never seems to be enough time.
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Anyone who wants to talk to me! I can be a bit slack on response mind, only because i don't have that much time between working and drinking in the local to get on the computer! I Would like to drag Jack Black down the pub to disscuss the fineities of the heavy metal solo, well and get s***t faced obviously!
Everything with guitars, not really pop although i do stray roots lye with rock. System of a down, Muse, ministry, New model army, Nick cave, NIN, Secret machines, Tool, Glow, Pj harvey, Rage, Monster Magnet for some loudass space rock!...the D, Zepplin, sabbath, floyd, Elbow, Model Morning, mogwai, Queens of the stone age, Dresden dolls,Rammstein, Bob Dylan, Archive, Kate fact most things, NO DAMN COUNTRY! although maybe a bit of Johnney cash and Calexico if you twist my arm.On the other hand i like to Funk, Curtis Mayfield, Funkadelic, well any of George Clintons personna's Temptations, Stevie wonder, Issac hayes... if it's got a bass line to die for and maybe some tom-toms, it's all good!
Mainly foriegn, french and south american, i get a bit sick of the hollywood ending ya know. Anything from the studio Ghibli, japanese anamation at it's best.Nothing quite beats Hitchcock though, that's where my love of film begins. Also Tim Burton films have a plesent little twisted place in my heart :0) 'Pan's labyrinth' just out on DVD and absolute genius, 'Huckle' a hungarian film with only about 10 words spoken in the whole thing and also pure genius.'Reykyavik 101' icelandic (obviously) but in english, Spanish and icelandic, a very clever and twisted film also. Can i also recomend 'Lady in the water' and 'Thankyou for smoking' as two actually very good American films that i have watched rescently.
Dr. Who is about the only thing i watch, only got terestrial and it's useless twaddle most of the time,and even that's a bit sad!
Albert Camus- a happy death, closly followed by the outsider, then i'll read pretty much anything that catches my eye, takes me while to get into reading, i go through fazes with this too, i've just finished reading the latest nick drake biography, which was very good, and i've rescently read some travel literature about Botswana and a book called Shadow of the sun by a polish reporter whos name defeats me at the moment, all about sub saharan Africa from 1956 up to the mid eighties, very gripping and moving stuff, millitary coups, countries turned upside down, well worth reading, quite eye opening! I am now (keeping on the african theme) reading Heart of Darkness - Joseph Corad.
Syd Barret R.I.P, Justin Sullivan...mainly musicions i have to say....Although on the comedic spectrum, Bernard Cribbins and although he's into more folk than comedy these day's:Mike Harding!....i know a little strange...
You Are 60% Weird
You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?
But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! How Weird Are You?
How to make a
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts crazyiness
5 parts ego
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add lovability to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktail
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