I'd like to meet:
Stuart Hall. He's not already dead is he? Janet Frame already died and I'm still suffering. And maybe Robbie Fowler but I wouldn't have anything to say to him.
3-mp. Radiohead. Modest Mouse. Elliot Smith. Spiritualized. Hayden. Richard Buckner. Pulp. Jeff Buckley. the Aislers Set. Fugazi. Rainer Maria. Jawbreaker. Portishead. Tom Waits. June of 44. the Rachels. Nina M-Fin' Simone. Sincerely, L. Cohen. Nuetral Milk Hotel. Joy Division. LOW. Unrest. Magnetic Fields. Broken Social Scene. Elvis Costello. the Clash. David Bowie. Talking Heads. Will Oldham. Bikini Kill. Neko Case. Slint. Teenage Fanclub. Viva Voce. Iron and Wine. Otis Redding. PULP! Rites of Sping. Shipping News.
Fearless. Kurosawa and the Samurai Trilogy. Kwaidan. the Harder they Come. Jason and the Argonauts. the Dark Crystal. Waking Life. Buffalo 66. Amelie. 24 hour Party People. Chungking Express. In the Mood for Love. Brazil. the Third Man. Anything with Paul "badder than Steve McQueen" Newman. "Give us the money Lebowski!" 2046. Me And You And Everyone We Know.
Sometimes I watch Sportcenter, does that make me a jock?
This ought to be a longer list. Frame, Cortazar, Borges, Steinbeck, Calvino, Bowles (Paul and Jane), Woolf, Henry James, Keats, Laurence Sterne, Chesterton, Joyce, Eliot, Garcia Marquez, Mistral, Castellanos, Will Self, Ali Smith, Alain De Botton, Simon Ortiz, Audre Lorde, Don Quixote, Hardy, Simic, Saul Williams, Derrick Brown, Bukowski, Dostoyevsky, Jean Rhys, Javier Marias, Joseph Harris, Peter Elbow, Bakhtin, Leslie Silko, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jonathan Swift, Nick Hornby, Ben Marcus, is it wrong if I say Lemony Snicket?
My Dad. And John Lennon. And anyone else who sticks to their motherfuckin' guns.