me as a kid, to see if I'm taller than me then now and tell him to loose the training wheels.
Its amazing the way you can recall a piece of music perfectly in your head, but try singing it. That's an entirely different matter. Right? Take Lionol Richie's moving epic, "Hello". Its in your head, clear, as if he were standing right next to you with his licorice hair and big face. Now sing. Stop, stop, stop. That didn't sound anything like him! See what I mean? Its like a blind person trying to recreate your head with muddy fingers. Just let Lionol do it.
I just don't get why people buy videos or dvd's. Its like reading a book from the library and thinking, "oh, that was great, I know, I'll go out and buy it and read it again." You won't, because you already know what happens. Its just not that interesting the second time round. The magic of seeing something for the first time can't be recreated. It'll sit on your shelf next to your Lionol Richie albumns gathering dust, shouting "Hello!" untill it finally ends up at a car boot sale fetching 20p. Try everything once.
It saps the life blood out of too many people I know. TV RIP.
Now you're talking. somebody else's imagination combined with your own. What a concept. No need to be a passenger. You steer and I'll operate the pedals. No, wait. You f***ing drive, I'll stand up with my head out the sunroof. Faster, faster!