Regalia profile picture


light the match to unleash the firestorm

About Me

Regalia was formed in the year 2002. This mighty musical onslaught was put together and arranged by mike malachick who handle's all the writing and direction of the band. The core of what makes the band different from other bands is utter dedication to be the best and to make the highest quality music possible. Regalia will always expand into new area's and will never stagnate. Regalia holds honour and intergrity to the highest regard. Just listen to songs like "Worthy of the Throne" for example. Unlike other bands, regalia lyrics deal with over coming and conquering, being the best and rising to the challenge,having deginty and never giving up. The first song composed for Regalia was "Leave none Standing" which was the battle cry from the start, to lay waste to all who stand in the way. We shall never give forth compassion nor comprimize to anyone who is false in any way. If you are a part of this ever growing circle you understand this creed. All the lyrics are well thought out as is the music that accompanys it. There are great storys from personal experience that tell meaningful tales that one can learn from. One song that will be great is "Exiled Princess" as it is still in demo form it will be recorded correct soon. As Regalia enters 2007 its goal will to be have recorded a record that will document the past three years of songwriting that has taken place. In the live venue is where the songs have really shaped up there fore Regalia feels the songs are now where they have to be. The recording process has already begun so stay tuned for more information about this. Since 2002 Regalia has been on the live circut playing and just recently played its fiftheth show on aug 31st 2006. This was an amazing feat and quite a honour. Ever since the begininng Regalia has gone thru personal changes but this hasnt slowed the core of what is Regalia down as the music is what is most important and whomever performs dutys within the band at whatever time understands this. As always at all shows Regalia has been a force to be reckon with even in its two man situation. We look forward to seeing all at shows and to record labels we are what you have been looking for............

My Interests


Member Since: 6/11/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: mike malachick guitar/vocals/song writer LIVE MEMBERS ON STAGE ARE AS FOLLOWS DAN IUCCUCI ON DRUMS CHRIS AURELO -- GUITAR
Influences: guns n roses,slayer,manowar,over kill,exodus,helloween,laaz rockit,iron maiden,storm warror,immortal,doro/warlock,W.A.S.P.,genitorturers,savatage ,the great kat,saigon kick,falconer,skid row,
Sounds Like: the fastest shit you ever heard
Record Label: looking for one
Type of Label: None

My Blog

regalia update as of april 9th

all goes well in the studio i look forward to getting this done we will be again in the studio this upcoming saturady to finish the drum track for exiled princess after this last song i will start the...
Posted by Regalia on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 12:34:00 PST

set to record

..> regalia will enter the studios on january 18th 2008 ..>...
Posted by Regalia on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 02:44:00 PST

the war machine is rolling

this past friday the 16th of november regalia played at ace of clubs in new york, and man what a show alot of preparation went into this and alot of promotion so i wish to thank all who came and suppo...
Posted by Regalia on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 07:31:00 PST

regalias drum stool is now vacent

well the time has come something i knew for a while now dan the titan has departed from the regalia camp. this so everyone knows is a mutual split there is  nothing but respect between us. to bas...
Posted by Regalia on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 06:06:00 PST

regalia five years and still shredding

dec 18 2002 was our first show in new york city and usually we always play around this time iam very happy that iam still doing this after all this time its a good feeling to know something i created ...
Posted by Regalia on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 07:55:00 PST

regalia update

as of right now  september 3,06 sunday  i have this to say. regalia played its 50th show this past week  which i thought was pretty damn cool. considering i started this band back in 20...
Posted by Regalia on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 07:26:00 PST

regalia what it means so stop asking

REGALIA (Lat. regalis, royal, from rex, king), the ensigns of royalty. The crown (see CROWN and CORONET) and sceptre (see SCEPTRE) are dealt with separately. Other ancient symbols of royal authority a...
Posted by Regalia on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 05:49:00 PST