My first intrest is dancing ( evn tho i aint done much in the last 12months) its always been a part of my life. Been dancing for about 12- 13years, tried out all different kinds, from ballet to street dance, i love it all. im not doin much at the moment but i am jus trying to find a regular dance class 2 join for fun, so if anyone knows about any open classes in east london let me kno.
I don't mind really, everyone & anyone from everwher, as long as your down to earth & respectful... i dont mind chattin to anyone.In fact all i do is chat lol so add meh yuh!! Always good to meet new ppl.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
The same as Reen ennit!! (check her profile, saves me typin sumfink)
Colour purple (and since its black history month u black folk shud b watchin it), Best man, Crash, Romeo must die, Training Day, Man on fire (big denzel fan)etc etc
mmm... America's nxt top model wen its on, the O.C (yeh i kno its overdramatic but i luv it)
Only just startd reading since i startd uni but iv found dat books r kinda intrestin still!! lol. At the moment im reading Heroine of the Desert &; Ugly. A few books iv read are, Da vinci code, angels &; demons (heavy books, u gta read them) and also Small Island, Chinese Cinderalla, Sharon Osbourne's Autobiography and The Cuban Missile Crisis(shame!!! I am a history student tho).
My momsy- best person in the world. she does everythin & nethin 4anyone. Like alot of moms shes superwoman and manages to do evrything and still keeps goin. xx.. ENJOY UR LIFE....KAT WILLIAMS