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This Bud is for you!

About Me

You've just endered the wonderful world of Budweiser. Being a beer built on taste, qulity and most of all tradition, Budweiser encorporates all aspects of beer drinking needed to keep its drinkers happy, satisfifed, and DRUNK.

Decade after intoxicated decade, budweiser has been there for the hard times, the lonely times, and the best times. Bud is the friend that brings friends together. You can always count on a Bud; a Bud will never let his brother or sister down- never.

Budweiser appreciates the dedication and comradery. If you're not a friend of Bud's already, feel free by making yourself one and definitely stop by once in a while and show some true Budweiser support.

Drink safe! Cheers, Bud

My Interests

Music Video: THE DEVIL'S TAKIN' NAMES (by The Lawrence Arms)

.. Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone

I'd like to meet:

Message me with pics of you with a bud or lots of buds or anything refering to me, and I'll post them. Have fun! kiss me wear me drink me single fist me double fist me give BUD some LUV hold me on a pedestal...a tall one! bud mic

Who I'd like to meet:

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