Music above all learned it, love it, live it; films.. love love,love, them!!;the world through the eye of my photo lense, its a whole other universe within it; reading as much as posible,specially since i dont sleep much at night; Dancing like there is no tomorrow;Comic Books; scouting bands, Cooking specially for my friends and the people i adore; Astrology..hey!.. hey!... you would be surprised the amount of extra info you can get from people just by knowing their sign as much as that statement makes me sound like a chick, reading tarot cards(im friggin good at it), esoteric subjects.architecture,design fashion, Pornography my addiction,being Cheeched
U2,Smiths, Love
The Black Stallion,Dead Poet Society, Amelie,My Private Idaho,The Doors, All Almodovar, Luis Bunuel, AllTerry Gillian , Scorcesse,The Velvet Goldmine,Clockwork Orange, The Last Emperor, The Mistery of Rampu Shimpu, Donnie Darko, ET, El Lado Oscuro Del Corazon,Sex
That 70's Show,sex in the city,NOVA, Discovery channel, National Geographic,South Park, Behind The Music,Conan.. yes i watch way to much TV
Latin American Literature, , the english pacient, most Rock N Roll Bios, Mario Benedetti, Garcia Marquez, Oscar Wilde, Anything on Greek Mythology, The Unbearable Lightness Of Being, The Master
Achiles, Odisseus, Psyche