Family,Friends,Sex,Books,Fights,Playing Music,Beer Tasting,Bike Rides,Culture,Hiking,Writing,Drawing,Good Shows,Bottle Collecting And Learning New Things
I'd like to meet a people who actually take the time to stop and think instead of just living an average life.
I listen to it and I create it.
Time Bandits,Bill and Ted,Evil Dead Trilogy,Halloween,Nightmare On Elm Street,American Hardcore,Tommy,Good Fellas,300,Lord Of The Rings Trilogy,Back To The Future,The Wizard Of OZ,Pulp Fiction,Run Ronnie Run,The Way Of The Gun,The Sandlot
Mr. Show The State Kids in the hall
Slaughter House Five,Breakfast Of Champions,The Wanting Seed,On The Road,Lord Of The Flies,The Hobbit,A Clock Work Orange,Some Of The Dharma,The Bible,Dharma Bums
My Mama My brother The Doc