Destroying Japanese villages and castles, dishing out my wrath, shiatsu massage etc.
frightened Japanese villagers, cruel samuari, tyrannical despots who enslave aformentioned villagers and force them to build a fortress, people who have defaced statuary, weeping women who cry for my help as they are being crucified and burned at the stake simultaneously, rightful rulers who have been displaced, other Kaiju monsters.
The only thing I can hear are the cries of those who need my help and the screams of their oppressors underneath my stone feet!!
Daimaijin, The Return of Daimaijin, and the Wrath of Daimaijin.
As I spend much of my time outdoors frozen as a statue I'm not really up on the current shows.
They don't make books in my size and I'll be damned if I'm gonna use a magnifying glass.
I either save you or crush you!!