Asymmetries...muSiC --::my passion, kind of a security blanket:::::::::::::::::::::::::niGHts--::time to venture into certain thoughts and beg for hope and forgiveness when peace blended with fear...dreams are free...good time to unveil and express yourself without restraints:::::::::::::::::::::::::::oCean--::creepy, yet enchanting...forces the mind...confusing but also incredibly temptation and fear of the unknown...::::::::::::::::::::::::neon lightS-- ::dunno why::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::striPes and ciRcles--::shapes that make me ponder over funny stuff...sometimes exhausting...but worth it::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::vaniLLa-- ::so smooth...peaceful..seductive...I love the taste :::::::::::::::::::::::::tRuSt -- ::always tumbles to pieces...after all, am I a reliable person myself??? :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::sauDek--::beyond the sickening filters of life... the charm of imperfection receives more appreciation from me:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::coMpleXity--::pfffff...irre sistable::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::haNds--::onc e she said the little finger is the most innocent of all...:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::don`t like cold nights without coffee or hot tea... I hate clocks...mirrors give me shivers when I see what I shouldn`t see in them...
so many
Veronica Mars, Lost, Heroes, Sugar Rush(yeah, I know)
so many