Protecting and Serving in the United States Marine Corps, joined MySpace to view my brother's website and listen to his music (Wat Up Erich). If you receive an invite from me to join a group supporting the military, it's because I'm attempting to attain 50,000 members before the begining of the New Year. Initially this was going to be on my page but I've received so much hate mail and stupid comments from people that I decided to go another route. Everyone that has been supporting this effort I really appreciate it. It doesn't matter where your from, who you are, or what your about, I just want to see how many people will support this effort. Their is no significant procedure to the madness, I just surf the net and send out invites to all. This will also allow everyone to post bulletins and really support the military, instead of getting all the spam mail (that why it's labeled as private), but as members you can still invite people. I still value all of you as friends and if you wanna chat hit me up. This is the address:
For those of you that don't want to support or continue on with the effort I understand.