* I Do This For Myself ! * profile picture

* I Do This For Myself ! *

Plz Dnt Worry About Me, I'm Fine...I'm ONLY Gonna Play The Fool One Time...I'm Feeling No Stress...I

About Me

Im saying though... what is there to actaully tell??... Im just that gurl down the street that keeps to herself with that beautiful smile and dimples. That girl that is too shy to even look in your eyes. That girl that always smiles and says "hello." Im the one with tons of energy and so much love to give.Im your first and last love you'll ever need. I'm that gurl that walks & talks with God, and has faith in everything.Im an adult, who's mature enough to make her own decisions in life.Im that girl that is strong! but only can take so much bullshit from people.Im confident in everything that I do. Im not conceident, but Im cocky, and I have every right to be.Some say this girl is a "Valley Girl," I call it having class about myself. You wont catch this girl ever using the word "shawty" and I advise you not to even THINK about calling me that either. I have ambitions and dreams that takes me all the way up to cloud nine.Im that girl who is fed up with lies,fools,scandalous females, and brothas who refuse to MAN UP.This girl laugh at brothas who think they are thugs and gangsters, when they know deep down inside they were raised in the suburbs and never seen the hood unless they were riding pass.I speak the truth, even when you dont want to hear it. Who am I you ask? Im just THAT Gurl...........................................Im a March Baby ! Drop dead gorgeous!!!Attractive personality.Very! sexy.Affectionate & Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic.Chatterbox! Loves to talk alot! Loves to get their way! . Unbelievable kisser! Easily angered. Very stubborn in the most way possible! Loves to get noticed! Willing to take risks for others. Makes good choices. Has a great fashion sense! Maybe a little too popular with others * wink wink*. Outgoing and crazy at times! Intelligent. Can sometimes be a heartbreaker! Can love as much as possible! Hates insults. Loves compliments! Just one of the clumsiest people you will ever meet. A very big flirt! Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. The best in bed out of all these months!! Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle upfeelings. Observant and assesses others.
*MySpAcE SuRvEy*
[name]: Chokolate Delight !!
[birthdate]: Some Time In March
[sex]: Sexxy As Hell ( Female )
[relationship status]: Wouldnt You Like To Know
[shoe size]: 9
[parents still together]: Hell I Dont Know
[siblings]: A Twin Little Sister
[pets]: Three... King, Lady & Meko... ( My Dogs )
[color]: Pink
[number]: 23
[time of year]: Fall
[type of weather]: Not too cold and Not too Hott Minus the Rain
[food/drink]: Pizza / Lemonade
--DO YOU--
[twirl your hair]: Yea When Im Bored Or Thinking
[have any tattoos]: Yep ... One On My Lower Back
[cheat on tests]: In My Day
[like scary movies]: Getting Used To Them
[like cleaning]: When I Have Alot On My Mind
[know how to drive a standard]: Ummmm I Think Thats What I have
[own a cell phone]: Yep ! Who Dont?? Besides.... NeverMind lol
[collect anything]: Belts, Purses, Shoes, Jewlrey
[been in a fist fight]: Most Def... These Brawds Dont Want NONE!
[considered a life of crime]: Why Not ?? Never Persued It Thoguh
[considered being a hooker]: Naw...My Pride Is Too High
[been in love]: Yea..** Sigh** Why Did I? I Have No Clue
[made out with just a friend]: Naw....Ion Remember Doing So.
[hurt someone you love]: Yea... But If He Loved Me... He Would Understand
[kicked someone in the nuts]: Hell Yeah.... Some Funny Shit Too !
[clothing]: Black Apple Bottoms Shirt, Black Capris Gold Assesories!
[hair]: Micro Twist..Two Toned..Black and Gold
[song you are in love with]: Where You At By Joe
[cd in your stereo]: Mix CD I Made
[mood]: Cool, Calm and Collect
[thing you ought to be doing]: Helping Momz Cook
[first crush]: Let Me Get Back To You On That One
[first kiss]: Dude Up The Street From Me
[first love]: ....Answer Later
[do you believe in love at first sight]: Naw... Well Hell... I Dont Know
[do you believe in "the one"]: Not Anymore...
[are you a tease]: Hellz Yeah Baby!
[would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: Maybe...If He's Doing The Same For Me
[honest]: 99.9 % Of The Time
[sarcastic]: Extremely
[a daydreamer]: Alwayz
[up tight or laid back]: Can Be A Mixture Of Both
[messy or organized]: Mostly Organized... Cant Stand Messy PPL!
[shy our outgoing]: Outgoing...Shy Around New PPL
[nervous habits]: Shake My Legs
[are you double jointed]: Naw...
[can you roll your tongue]: I Think So?
[do you make your bed daily]: Indeed
[which shoe goes on first]: Right
[bought something]: Spent Over $ 400 On Clothes In NYC
[been sick]: Hell Yeah..lol...Food Poison ( The Worst ! )
[sang]: Every Day!
[missed someone]: Besides My Family...Naw..Not Really
[gotten drunk]: SHHHHHH
[gotten a haircut]: Nope
[watched cartoons]: Avatar !, Family Guy ( To Answer The ?, Yes )
[been kissed]: Yep
[lied]: Yep
[you spent the night with]: Mr. Adamz & Meko
[spent the night with you]: Mr.Adamz & Meko
[saw you cry]: Mr. Adamz
[made you cry]: Mr. Adamz
[you said "i love you" to]: My Momz
[told you they loved you]: My Momz
[the best feeling in the world]: To Have God, Health, Family, Job & $$
[the worst feeling in the world]: To Have A Nigga That Dont Appereciate You & Being Broke!
[your greatest fear]: Failing
[the thing you want most in life]: A Family ( A Happy One )
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My Interests

All kinds of things

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people with goals in life. Someone who doesnt sit and wait on nothing. Someone mature and knows how to hold a decent converstaion. A person that dont feel the need to always go out in the streets to have a "good time." A person with a REAL job and dont still live at home with moms. A person who doesnt need liqour to have a good time. Someone who can hold my attention. A man who can grab my heart and call it his forever and loves me the same way.Im back and forth to ATL and AUG... Mainly b/c ATL is my home town, BUT AUG is where I attend school. Im majoring in Criminology and Minor in Forensic Science. I enjoy school and my major. Im goal oriented but most of all Im easy going.


Ciara Promise Music Videos And Lyrics On DemandOld school, Neo-soul, Under ground, R & B, Rap, Gospel, Pop, and my singing in the shower is the bomb baby!
ThE cOoLeSt MySpAcE sUrVeY eVeR!!
Full Name?: Chokolate Dimples Delight
What you go by?: All Three Of Those Names
Age?: Twenty Something
Grade?: Grade?? The Hell? Imma JR. In College
School?: Augusta State University !!!
Stats?: Sexxiest Diva On Your Screen !
Religon?: Christian
Race?: Sure Isnt African Amercian
Birth Date?: Sometime In March
Screen Name?: Y?
Phone #?: 1-800-Bitch Plz
Sex?: Female ( The Original )
Hometown?: ATL Baby !!!!
Present Town?: Augusta ( Boooooooo!!!! I Hate It Here )
Sport?: Football
Color?: Pink
Number?: 23
Guys Name?: Justin
Girls Name?: Trinity
Food?: Pizza
Drink?: Lemonade
Ice Cream?: Vanilla
Vegetable?: Celery and Carrots
Fruit?: Strawberrys, Kiwi, Watermelon, Sugar Cane
Day?: Friday
Holiday?: Christmas and My Birthday
Singer?: Anthony Hamilton
Movie?: The Wood
Hobbie?: Sleeping And Eating
Hair Color?: Gold and Black
Eye Color?: Hazel
Place in the whole World?: My Room
Hair Color?: Gold and Black
Eye Color?: Dark Brown
Height?: 5*5
Weight?: 130
Wear Makeup?: MAC Makeup... Only On Special Occassions Though
::..THIS OR THAT..::
Blue or Green?: Blue
Purple or Pink?: Pink....DUH!
Red or Black?: Thats A Hard One
Chololate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
Banana or Straberry?: Strawberry Maybe?
DQ or 4Queens?: DQ....The Hell Is 4Queens???
BK or McDonalds?: BK
Subway or Quiznos?: Subway....Heard Quiznos Was Good Though
Walk or Run?: Walk...Run To Hurry Up & Get It Over With
Kiss or Hug?: Both
Slow Dance or Grind?: Grind...lol
Skating or Surfing?: Skating
Volleyball or Basketball?: Basketball
Swimming or Waterpolo?: Swimming
Soccer or Tennis?: Tennis
Dance or Track?: Both
Blonde or Brinette?: Brunett Maybe??
Cell Phone or Ipod?: Cell
Juice or Pop?: Juice
Breakfast or Dinner?: Dinner
Day or Night?: Night
Inside or Outside?: Inside..I Dont Do Bugz
Long or Short?: Depends On What Your Talking About
Black && White or Color?: Both
Best?: My Momz & Cuz Tonya
Craziest?: All Of Them
Funnest?: Tonya
Funniest?: Crystal
Most Hot Tempered?: That'll Be ME!
Most Shy?: Tonya
Most Athletic?: LOL...Yeah Right
Loudest?: Prob. Crystal Or Me
Weirdest?: Tasheta...LOL...Seriously
Yougest?: Our Baby Crystal :)
Oldest?: Tonya Ole' Old Azz
Best Hair?: Shit..Me !...lol...
Bungie Jump?: Yeah
Swear in front of your parents?: Have Before
Call someone a Slut to their face?: Shit Yeah !..Try Me
Flash someone?: Naw....If Its Not My BF
Skinny Dip?: Maybe
Go to another Country by yourself?: Yes... I Will After I Graduate
Drink?: Indeed
Smoke?: Un-Attractive For ANY Female To DO
You Ate?: Ribs
You Said?: Im Coming Back...& I'll Call U Back
Person you kissed?: Mr. Adamz
Person you talked to?: My Girl Tasheta
Wearing?: Clothes
Eating?: Ribz
Drinking: Fruit Punch
Talking to?: No One
Watching?: Meko Run & Down The Stairs
Doing?: This Damn Survey... Dumb Azz
Wanting to do?: Go Back To Augusta..So I Can Sleep
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Anything but scary movies...You have to remember, I live alone!


Every Body Loves Raymond, HOUSE!, and pretty much anything on HBO. But hold up... I am the Television... Just look at me ?... Who wouldnt sit and watch me all day? Some of these haters do!


Anything blk and or interesting...Zane is my girl though!