The Elite Society Network is a network that was started in the wake of two powerhouse companies combining efforts. The idea and basic membership was originally founded by The Elite Society Car Club in 1999 in sunny Southern California. It's main founder Aaron J. Gibbs took this car club and pushed it to an astronomical level. Aaron quickly found out through tough "Italian negotiating" that there were members of this elite organization that were not capable of withholding an impeccable Elite Society image. Aaron eliminated all of the slackers from the group of winners and compiled Elite National Inc. This new organization is based off of the same rules and regulations of Elite Society. Aaron needed a professional Co-Founder Michael Charvis to help steer an even bigger product, The Elite Society Network. Michael quickly founded his company in perspective of Elite National Inc. This new company was called Elite Capital Investments Inc.Elite National Inc. was forced into the mainstream media due to a G Television interview this year with a close business and personal friend Jaime Lim of, at a private Alex Quinn Television premiere in Hollywood California. Elite National Inc. and Elite Capital Investments Inc. both came together to provide a dominate global network to support it's private membership. This is one of the most elite membership based organization known to exist in the greater United States. Although it is rumored to have extensive ties to organized groups all over the world, their basic focus is primarily support to that of their own membership. This is a highly exclusive and secretive organization. They do not discuss operations and/or projects in public, however are seen at almost every major event in Southern California.
The Elite Society Network
I have some heros, but one of the most important influences in my business career is that of my business partner Michael Charvis. He has set the standard in multiple ways for everyone here at Elite National Inc.. It is always a pleasure working with such a great person. We toast to your excellence. Continue your domination.
Check out Mike's MySpace Page here.I have to give another shout out to Jaime Lim of for always helping our team out, for inviting us to just about every gig that he comes across, for the professional business environment that he displays when dealing with our clients, members, and associates. Thanks for being there. Check out Jaime's MySpace Page here.
I love Import Racing, old Chevy's, trucks, a little off-roading, street bikes, electronics, computers, software, music, guitars, drums, golfing, softball, SEX!!!, (got to have lots of it) hey thats what the doctor told me..., I like to go for long drives, walk on the beach, romantic dinners, nights in front of fireplaces, bon-fires, mountain ridge racing, tactical driving, Team driving, guns, weapons, taggin, drawling, media events, going to see movies, hanging out with a lot of friends, crusin Bristol! :), out running dem Copperz! silly wabbits TICKETS ARE FOR CHUMPS!, tally marks... LOL (its a racer thing)...
The Elite Society Network
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The Elite SocietyNetwork
50 short questions Survey!
Sleep with or without clothes on? with boxers, and socks
Prefer black or blue pens? sissy ass rock shit
Dress up on Halloween? Always
Like to travel? as much as possible
Like Someone? oh yea...
Do they know? yea
Who sleeps with you every night? no one yet
Think you're attractive? nah.. I have glasses!
Want to get married? Y E S ! !
To: No Comment yet..
Are you a good student? try to be, just started back up
Are you currently happy? no
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on? i have made mistakes, and yes been cheated on...
Birthplace? Indiana
Christmas or Halloween? NEW YEARS 2008 BABY!!!
Colored or black-and-white photo? both they look great
Do long distance relationships work? i am tryin to make it work, and we live close!
Do you believe in astrology? yup...
Do you believe in love at first sight? yes, it has happened once!
Do you consider yourself the life of the party? sometimes..
Do you drink? everyonce in a while, but very little..
Do you make fun of people? sometimes... if they think they are bad!
Do you think dreams eventually come true? Y E S ! !
Favorite fictional character? Donny Biggs, you will see
Go to the movies or rent? both, or i try to take someone, but she doesn..'t want to...
Have you ever moved? too many times...
Have you ever stolen anything? YEA...
How's the weather right now? WINDY!!!
Last time you cut your hair? last week...
Last person you talked to on the phone? the amazing Lora
Last time you showered? this afternoon
Loud or soft music? both, but trance is king!
Mcdonalds or Burger King? Carls jr, in & out, and Los Primos
Night or day? Night time is the time to shine!
Number of pillows? 6
Piano or guitar? Guitar, drums, computer, radio, turntables
Future job? Video Productions/retired-devoted husband
Current job? Valet :)
Current love? still growing, but already getting hurt :(
Current longing? crusing with the homies..
Current disappointment? No Comment...
Current annoyance?
Last thing you ate? Carls Jr...
Last thing you bought? More guns!
Most recent thing you are looking forward to? being with my love one..
What are you hearing right now? MTV Cribs
Plans for the weekend? Blend end and not be noticed! answer the phone!
What did you do today? work, networked, organized, cleaned, teleconfrenced
Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? I wish things were different! if you only knew
Pick a movie quote? We are here to be filthy fucking rich thats it fellas we..'re not saving the fucking manatees guys!
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