FOR BOOKING CONTACT: [email protected]
Day Of The Great Leap CD
(Now Available)
$8 - US PPD
( Click here to order outside the US )
Tracks: Anthem, White Widow, We Were Lions, S.S. Fort Jams, Meateater, Vlad, Tickle Mountain, The LandingDAY OF THE GREAT LEAP REVIEW:"Usually a band can't possibly live up to an epic name like Fang Island, but this is huge aberration. This band is amazing, and plays mostly instrumental rock anthems that touch on almost every genre. Screamo, emo, punk, pop, rock, math - it's all in here, packaged in a lo-fi style straight out of Providence, RI. The execution is tight, the energy is maxed out, and the pace goes up and down. The recording isn't too clean, but that's good. You feel like you're listening to a band, not an overproduced monster. The occasional vocal chants are fun, and there's just the right amount of them. I've seen great footage of the band performing for a class of kindergarteners, with the kids totally into them. I wish I had that type of religious experience at 5."
-Eric Nakamura, GIANT ROBOT, issue 49